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Cassandra in Doctor Who: A Timeless Villain and Iconic Character

Cassandra Doctor Who

Cassandra, also known as the Last Human, is a recurring villain in the British science fiction TV series Doctor Who.

Are you ready to meet the most fabulous character in the Doctor Who universe? Then let me introduce you to Cassandra, darling! This sassy, self-obsessed, and skin-thin creature is a fan favorite, and for good reason. Not only does she have a striking appearance, but her personality is as larger than life as her body is small. From her first appearance in the show, Cassandra stole the spotlight, and she never let it go.

Now, some may argue that Cassandra is just a one-note character, a shallow joke that relies on cheap laughs and over-the-top antics. But to those people, I say: have you even watched Doctor Who? Yes, Cassandra is a comedic character, but that doesn't mean she's devoid of depth or complexity. In fact, Cassandra's story arc is one of the most poignant and heartbreaking in the entire series. And the way she delivers her lines? Pure genius.

But before we dive into all that, let's talk about Cassandra's appearance. I mean, where do I even begin? This lady has more style and fashion sense in one wrinkle than most people have in their entire wardrobe. With her metal frame and exposed brain, Cassandra is a living work of art. And let's not forget her signature catchphrase: Moisturize me! It's both hilarious and disturbing at the same time.

Speaking of disturbing, Cassandra's backstory is nothing short of tragic. As we learn in the episode The End of the World, Cassandra is the last surviving member of her race, the Face of Boe. She's been alive for over 3,000 years and has undergone numerous surgeries to keep her body alive. But despite all her efforts, she's still dying, and she knows it. Cassandra's narcissism and bravado are just a front for her deep sadness and loneliness.

But don't worry, dear reader, it's not all doom and gloom. Cassandra may be a tragic figure, but she's also hilarious. Her banter with the Doctor and Rose is some of the funniest dialogue in the show's history. And her rivalry with Chip, her loyal servant, is both endearing and absurd. I mean, who else could make a joke about having two hearts sound so dirty?

One of my favorite moments with Cassandra comes from the episode New Earth, where she possesses the body of Rose Tyler. Seeing Billie Piper channel Cassandra's mannerisms and speech patterns is pure comedic gold. And when she finally returns to her own body, the moment is both triumphant and bittersweet.

Of course, Cassandra isn't without her flaws. Her vanity can be grating at times, and her treatment of Chip borders on abusive. But even these negative traits serve a purpose in her character development. By the end of her arc, Cassandra has learned the value of true friendship and sacrifice.

So, why should you care about Cassandra? Well, for starters, she's one of the most unique and memorable characters in the Doctor Who canon. But beyond that, she represents something important: the power of humor in storytelling. Cassandra may be a comedic character, but that doesn't mean she's any less impactful or meaningful than the more serious characters. In fact, her humor allows us to connect with her on a deeper emotional level.

And let's face it, we could all use a little more humor in our lives. So, the next time you're feeling down, just remember Cassandra's iconic catchphrase: Moisturize me! It may not solve your problems, but it'll certainly make you laugh.

The Fabulous Cassandra

Let's talk about one of the most fabulous characters in Doctor Who history - Cassandra O'Brien. Okay, so technically she's not a Time Lord or even human, but she's still amazing. Cassandra is the last surviving member of her species, the Face of Boe. She's also a fashionista and a drama queen, which makes for some hilarious moments on the show.

The Ultimate Diva

Cassandra first appeared in the episode The End of the World in season one of the revived series of Doctor Who. She was a piece of sentient skin stretched over a metal frame, with eyes and a mouth that moved thanks to some advanced technology. But don't let her appearance fool you - Cassandra is the ultimate diva.

She's obsessed with fashion and beauty, constantly commenting on the looks of others and making sure her own appearance is flawless. In fact, she's so vain that she's had over 700 cosmetic surgeries to maintain her youthful appearance. And when she's not busy preening herself, she's causing chaos and drama wherever she goes.

Cassandra's Many Faces

One of the things that makes Cassandra so memorable is her ability to possess other bodies. In New Earth, she takes over the body of the Doctor's companion, Rose Tyler, and hilariously tries to seduce the Doctor. In Gridlock, she possesses the body of a cat and causes all sorts of trouble.

But perhaps her most memorable transformation comes in The End of Time, where she possesses the body of a human woman and becomes known as Cassandra Syndrome. She uses her new form to spread a deadly disease across the galaxy, which ultimately leads to her downfall.

Comedy Gold

Cassandra may be a villain, but she's also a comedic goldmine. Her over-the-top personality and outrageous antics make for some of the funniest moments in Doctor Who history. Whether she's throwing a tantrum or making snarky comments, Cassandra always manages to steal the show.

One of her most memorable moments comes in New Earth, where she sings a rendition of Happy Birthday to herself in a desperate attempt to prolong her life. It's cringeworthy and hilarious all at once.

The Legacy of Cassandra

Cassandra may have met her demise in The End of Time, but her legacy lives on. She's become a fan favorite character and has even made appearances in other Doctor Who media, such as books and audio dramas.

But perhaps her most significant legacy is the impact she's had on representation in Doctor Who. As a non-binary character, Cassandra challenged traditional gender norms and paved the way for more diverse characters in the show.

In Conclusion

So there you have it - the fabulous Cassandra O'Brien. She may be a piece of skin stretched over a metal frame, but she's also one of the most entertaining characters in Doctor Who history. From her dramatic flair to her hilarious one-liners, Cassandra will always hold a special place in our hearts.

The Time Lady Who Knows Everything

If you're looking for someone who knows everything about time travel, look no further than Cassandra. No, not the ancient Greek prophetess who could see the future, but rather the futuristic humanoid from the planet of New Earth, who just so happens to be a companion of the one and only Doctor.

The Doctor's Personal Oracle

Cassandra is not just any old companion, mind you. She is the Doctor's personal oracle, the psychic companion who's always right. And when I say always, I mean ALWAYS. You can't get anything past this seer of the TARDIS. She knows what's going to happen before it even happens.

The One Who Predicts the Unpredictable

Some might call her a fortune teller with a sonic screwdriver, but that doesn't do her justice. Cassandra is more like the prognosticator on the go, always ready to predict the next twist and turn in the Doctor's adventures. Whether it's an unexpected alien invasion or a paradoxical time loop, Cassandra is the one who predicts the unpredictable.

The Clairvoyant Partner in Crime Fighting

As the Doctor's partner in crime fighting, Cassandra is invaluable. Her ability to see into the future means that she can warn the Doctor of impending danger and help him avoid it. But she's not just a passive observer. Cassandra is always ready to jump into the fray, using her psychic powers to help defeat the Doctor's enemies.

The Predictor of Paradoxes

Of course, with time travel comes the possibility of paradoxes, and that's where Cassandra really shines. She's the predictor of paradoxes, able to navigate the tricky waters of time travel with ease. She knows just when and where to jump in to fix a timeline gone awry, or when to step back and let events unfold naturally.

The Foreteller of the Time Lord's Fate

Most importantly, Cassandra is the foreteller of the Time Lord's fate. She knows what's in store for the Doctor, even when he doesn't. And while that might sound like a burden, Cassandra takes it all in stride, always ready to help the Doctor face whatever challenges lie ahead.

So if you're ever in need of a clairvoyant partner in crime fighting, look no further than Cassandra. She's the psychic companion who's always right, the one who predicts the unpredictable, and the foreteller of the Time Lord's fate. And with her by your side, you can be sure that you'll always be one step ahead of the game.

The Adventures of Cassandra Doctor Who


Cassandra Doctor Who is a Time Lord who travels through time and space in her TARDIS. She is known for her quirky personality, infectious laugh, and her love for saving the universe from evil aliens and other intergalactic threats. Her adventures are always filled with excitement, humor, and a touch of drama.

Cassandra's Point of View

As Cassandra Doctor Who, I have seen the most amazing things and met the most fascinating creatures. From battling cybermen on the planet Mondas to negotiating peace between the Silurians and humans on Earth, I've done it all. And let me tell you, there's never a dull moment when you're a Time Lord.


  • Time Lord
  • Quirky personality
  • Evil aliens
  • Intergalactic threats
  • Battling cybermen
  • Negotiating peace

Cassandra's Humorous Voice and Tone

One time, I found myself face to face with a group of Daleks. You know, those pesky little robots who are always trying to take over the universe? Well, I wasn't about to let them win. So, I whipped out my sonic screwdriver and started waving it around like a magic wand. And you know what? Those Daleks were so confused by my antics that they ended up self-destructing. Ha! Take that, you metallic menaces!

Of course, not every adventure is as easy as that one. There was this one time when I accidentally landed on a planet inhabited by giant spiders. And when I say giant, I mean GIANT. These things were the size of buildings! I had to use all my wit and charm to convince them that I wasn't there to harm them. Luckily, they ended up being quite friendly once they realized I wasn't a threat. They even gave me a ride on one of their backs, which was pretty cool if I do say so myself.


  1. Daleks
  2. Sonic screwdriver
  3. Self-destructing
  4. Giant spiders
  5. Wit and charm
  6. Friendly creatures
  7. Riding a spider


Being Cassandra Doctor Who is never boring. I never know where my TARDIS will take me next or what kind of trouble I'll get into. But that's what makes it all so exciting. I look forward to many more adventures in the future, and I hope you'll come along for the ride.

The End of Cassandra: Goodbye, Darling!

Well, well, well. It seems that we've come to the end of our journey with Cassandra in Doctor Who. It's been a wild ride, full of laughs, tears, and more than a few moments of confusion. But now, as we say goodbye to this iconic character, it's time to reflect on what she meant to us and what we'll miss most about her.

First and foremost, let's talk about Cassandra's fashion sense. Say what you will about her personality, but there's no denying that she had a killer wardrobe. From her glittering evening gowns to her metallic jumpsuits, Cassandra always knew how to make an entrance. And let's not forget her signature accessory – the face-stretching machine. Who needs Botox when you have one of those bad boys?

Of course, Cassandra was more than just a fashion icon. She was also a complex character with a lot of layers (literally and figuratively). On one hand, she was a vain and selfish creature who cared only for herself and her own survival. But on the other hand, she was also a lonely soul, desperate for companionship and validation. It's hard not to feel a little sympathy for her, even as she's plotting the destruction of the human race.

One of the things I loved most about Cassandra was her ability to inject a little humor into any situation. Whether she was making fun of Rose's accent or flirting shamelessly with the Doctor, she always had a quip at the ready. And let's not forget her epic death scene, where she manages to deliver one last hilarious one-liner before finally shuffling off this mortal coil.

Speaking of that death scene – let's take a moment to appreciate just how bonkers it was. I mean, seriously. A giant face made of human skin, floating in a jar of formaldehyde? It's the stuff of nightmares. And yet somehow, in the hands of the Doctor Who writers, it becomes one of the most memorable and entertaining moments in the show's history.

But now, as we bid farewell to Cassandra once and for all, it's time to acknowledge the impact she's had on the Doctor Who universe. Whether you loved her or loathed her, there's no denying that she was a memorable character who left a lasting impression. And who knows – maybe someday we'll see her again, floating around in a jar and making witty remarks. After all, in the world of Doctor Who, anything is possible.

So goodbye, darling Cassandra. You may have been the last human, but you'll always have a place in our hearts (and our wardrobes). Here's hoping that wherever you are now, you're surrounded by moisturizer and designer clothes.

And to all the Doctor Who fans out there – keep watching, keep exploring, and keep embracing the weird and wonderful world of this incredible show. Who knows what adventures lie ahead?

People Also Ask About Cassandra in Doctor Who

Who is Cassandra in Doctor Who?

Cassandra is a character in the long-running British television show, Doctor Who. She is a humanoid from the far future who has had extensive cosmetic surgery and now resembles a stretched piece of skin.

Why is Cassandra just a piece of skin?

Well, Cassandra was obsessed with staying young and beautiful forever, so she had so much cosmetic surgery that she eventually had all of her internal organs removed, leaving her with just a piece of skin to contain her brain.

What episodes of Doctor Who does Cassandra appear in?

Cassandra appears in two episodes of Doctor Who: The End of the World (season 1, episode 2) and New Earth (season 2, episode 1).

Is Cassandra a villain?

Yes, Cassandra is definitely a villain. She is selfish, vain, and manipulative, and she doesn't care who she hurts as long as she gets what she wants.

What is Cassandra's catchphrase?

Cassandra's most famous catchphrase is Moisturize me! which she says whenever she feels like her skin is getting dry or wrinkled.

Did Cassandra die in Doctor Who?

Yes, Cassandra dies in the episode New Earth when the Doctor and Rose Tyler trick her into possessing the body of a clone of herself that is infected with every disease known to humanity. She is then incinerated in a furnace.

Is Cassandra a popular character in Doctor Who?

Yes, Cassandra is a very popular character among Doctor Who fans. Her unique appearance, over-the-top personality, and memorable catchphrase have made her a fan favorite.

What other Doctor Who characters are similar to Cassandra?

There really aren't any other characters in Doctor Who that are quite like Cassandra. However, if you're looking for other villains with outrageous personalities, you might enjoy the Daleks, the Cybermen, or the Master.

Would Cassandra make a good companion for the Doctor?

Ha! Can you imagine? The Doctor traveling through time and space with just a piece of skin? I don't think so. Plus, Cassandra is far too selfish and evil to ever be a companion to anyone.