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10 Hilarious Dr Who Memes That Will Have You Traveling Through Time and Laughter

Dr Who Meme

Get ready to laugh with hilarious Dr Who memes! From Daleks to Time Lords, these memes will satisfy any Whovian's craving for humor.

Have you ever heard of the infamous Dr Who meme? If not, you're in for a treat! This meme has taken the internet by storm, and for good reason. It's hilarious, witty, and downright relatable. For those who don't know, Dr Who is a British science fiction television show that has been around since 1963. The show follows the adventures of a time-traveling alien known as the Doctor, who travels through time and space in a spaceship called the TARDIS. But enough about that, let's dive into the world of the Dr Who meme!

First things first, let's talk about what makes this meme so special. It's not just a simple image with a funny caption, oh no. The Dr Who meme takes it to the next level by incorporating specific references from the show that only true fans would understand. It's like a secret club that only a select few are privy to. And if you're one of those lucky few, you know just how satisfying it is to see a meme that hits all the right notes.

One of the best things about the Dr Who meme is its versatility. Whether you're feeling sad, happy, or just need a good laugh, there's a Dr Who meme out there for you. It's like a Swiss Army knife of memes, ready to tackle any situation. Need to procrastinate? There's a meme for that. Feeling overwhelmed? There's a meme for that too. The possibilities are endless.

But let's not forget the true beauty of the Dr Who meme: the puns. Oh, the puns. From Timey Wimey to Allons-y, the show is full of catchy phrases that lend themselves perfectly to puns. And the internet has certainly taken advantage of this fact. You'll find puns for days in the world of Dr Who memes, and they never get old.

Speaking of never getting old, let's talk about the longevity of the Dr Who meme. This meme has been around for years, and yet it still manages to stay relevant. That's a testament to the show's staying power as well as the creativity of the fans who make these memes. It's rare to find a meme that can stand the test of time, but the Dr Who meme does just that.

Now, let's take a moment to appreciate some of the best Dr Who memes out there. From the classic Bad Wolf to the more recent Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor, there's no shortage of amazing memes to choose from. Some of my personal favorites include Don't Blink (for all you Weeping Angel fans out there) and Bowties Are Cool (because, let's face it, they really are).

But what about those who aren't familiar with the show? Is the Dr Who meme still enjoyable for them? The answer is a resounding yes. While some of the references may go over their heads, the humor and wit of the memes is still enough to elicit a chuckle. And who knows, maybe it'll even inspire them to give the show a try.

So there you have it, folks. The world of the Dr Who meme is vast and wonderful, full of puns, references, and endless laughter. Whether you're a die-hard fan or just someone looking for a good laugh, there's something for everyone in this world. So go forth and explore, my friends. The TARDIS is waiting.

The Timeless Appeal of Dr Who Memes

Dr Who may have been around for more than five decades, but its appeal has never waned. The science fiction series has captured the hearts of millions of fans worldwide with its unique blend of adventure, time travel, and quirky humor. However, one aspect of the show that has taken on a life of its own is the Dr Who meme. From clever puns to hilarious references, Dr Who memes have become a staple of pop culture. In this article, we explore the world of Dr Who memes and why they are so popular.

The Origins of Dr Who Memes

The first Dr Who meme appeared online in 2007, shortly after the show's revival in 2005. It featured an image of the Tenth Doctor (played by David Tennant) with the caption Allons-y! - one of his catchphrases. The meme quickly caught on, and soon, other images and captions began to circulate online. Some of the most popular early memes featured the Daleks, the iconic villains of the show, and their penchant for exterminating everything in sight.

The Appeal of Dr Who Memes

What makes Dr Who memes so appealing? For one, they offer a way for fans to connect and share their love of the show. Memes are a form of social currency, and by sharing a Dr Who meme, fans can signal their knowledge of the show and their membership in the fandom. Additionally, Dr Who memes often play on the show's quirky sense of humor and wordplay. Fans enjoy seeing their favorite characters and moments from the show reimagined in amusing ways.

The Best Dr Who Memes

There are countless Dr Who memes out there, but some stand out as particularly clever or amusing. Here are a few of our favorites:

1. The Bad Wolf Meme

In the show, the phrase Bad Wolf appears repeatedly as a mysterious message left by the Doctor's companion, Rose Tyler. Fans have turned this into a meme by inserting the phrase into various contexts, such as Bad Wolf was here written on a bathroom wall.

2. The Rory Williams, the Last Centurion Meme

Rory Williams, another of the Doctor's companions, becomes known as the last centurion after spending centuries guarding his wife, Amy Pond, in a time-locked box. Fans have created memes featuring Rory in various historical settings, such as fighting alongside the Roman army.

3. The Doctor Who and the Question Meme

This meme features an image of the Eleventh Doctor (played by Matt Smith) holding up a sign that reads Doctor Who? Fans have used this to create jokes and puns based on the show's title, such as Doctor Who? More like Doctor Where's-my-tardis.

The Future of Dr Who Memes

With the show still going strong and new episodes airing regularly, it's likely that Dr Who memes will continue to be a popular form of fan expression. As the show evolves and new characters and storylines emerge, we can expect to see new memes that capture the spirit of the series. So, whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer to the world of Dr Who, keep an eye out for the next great meme - and don't forget to share it with your fellow Whovians!

Doctor Who Memes: Timey-Wimey Fun

Doctor Who fans are known for their humor, creativity, and love for all things timey-wimey. From the iconic Tardis to the quirky Doctor himself, there's no shortage of material for hilarious memes. Here are ten of the best Doctor Who memes that are sure to make you laugh.

Tardis? More like tardiness

The Tardis may be the Doctor's trusty ship, but it's always a little late to the party. Whether it's due to malfunctioning systems or just general tardiness, the Tardis has become synonymous with being fashionably late. Fans have taken this idea and run with it, creating memes that poke fun at the Doctor's tardiness and the Tardis's tendency to show up at the last minute.

Rose Tyler, the original Doctor fangirl

Long before fangirls were a thing, there was Rose Tyler. The Doctor's companion in the first two seasons of the rebooted series, Rose quickly became a fan favorite. Her love for the Doctor set the trend for fangirl behavior, inspiring countless memes and fan art. Whether you love her or hate her, there's no denying that Rose Tyler paved the way for all the fangirls that came after her.

Bowties are cool, but did you see that scarf?

The Doctor's fashion sense is always a topic of discussion. From his iconic bowtie to his colorful coat, the Doctor's style is as unique as he is. But sometimes, it's not the bowtie that catches your eye. Fans have created memes that highlight some of the Doctor's more outlandish fashion choices, including his ridiculously long scarf. Who needs a bowtie when you can rock a scarf like the Fourth Doctor?

Exterminate!...your diet

The Daleks may be one of the Doctor's most feared enemies, but their catchphrase is perfect for diet memes. Fans have taken the iconic Exterminate! and turned it into a hilarious meme that encourages healthy eating habits. Who knew the Daleks could be so motivational?

The Doctor: a Time Lord AND a dad joke enthusiast

The Doctor may be a Time Lord, but he's also a dad joke enthusiast. Fans love to meme the Doctor's quirky sense of humor, turning his puns and one-liners into hilarious memes. Whether he's making fun of his own regeneration or cracking jokes about his companions, the Doctor's love for dad jokes is a quirky trait that fans can't get enough of.

When the Doctor says 'Run', he really means 'Cardio'

Staying fit is important, especially when running from monsters across the universe. The Doctor is no stranger to a good workout, and fans have taken notice. Meme after meme has been created that pokes fun at the Doctor's love for running and his tendency to make his companions do the same. When the Doctor says Run, you better lace up your sneakers and get ready for some cardio.

Timey-wimey: a fancy way of saying 'I have no idea what's going on'

Doctor Who is known for its complex and sometimes confusing plot points. Fans have come up with a clever way to describe this phenomenon: timey-wimey. This phrase has become synonymous with the show and is often used to describe confusing plot twists and turns. It's a fancy way of saying I have no idea what's going on, and fans love to use it in their memes.

All Doctors lead to Capaldi

The Doctor has gone through many regenerations over the years, each one with their own unique personality and style. But no matter how different they may seem, all roads lead to Peter Capaldi. Fans have created memes that play on this idea, showing how each Doctor is connected to Capaldi in some way. It's a fun way to celebrate the Doctor's many regenerations and the actors who have brought him to life.

Doctor Who fans be like: 'Who needs a social life when you have the Tardis?'

Doctor Who fans are known for their dedication and love for the world of Doctor Who. For many fans, the Tardis is more than just a fictional ship - it's a way of life. Fans have created memes that poke fun at their obsession with the show, showing how Doctor Who has taken over their social lives. Who needs friends when you have the Tardis?

When someone tries to spoil a Doctor Who episode: 'You just crossed into dangerous spoiler territory, my friend'

Doctor Who fans are serious about avoiding spoilers. Whether it's a leaked episode or an overeager friend who can't keep their mouth shut, fans will go to great lengths to avoid having the show ruined for them. This meme perfectly captures the danger of spoilers, warning anyone who dares to tread into dangerous spoiler territory. If you try to spoil a Doctor Who episode, be prepared to face the wrath of the fans.

Doctor Who memes are a fun way to celebrate the show's quirky humor and creative fanbase. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a casual viewer, there's no denying the timey-wimey fun of these hilarious memes.

The Adventures of Dr Who Meme

A Time-Traveling Tale

Once upon a time, in a universe not too far away, there was a man named Dr Who Meme. He was not like any other doctor, for he had the power to travel through time and space, all while making witty and hilarious jokes.

Dr Who Meme was a legend in the meme world, loved by all for his quick wit and ability to make people laugh even in the darkest of times. He would often travel through time to different events in history, where he would leave his mark with a perfectly timed meme.

The Science Behind Dr Who Meme

Dr Who Meme's powers were not just limited to his sense of humor, he also possessed a special device known as the TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space). This device allowed him to travel through time and space, all while keeping him safe from harm.

The TARDIS was powered by a unique energy source known as the meme-etric field, which gave Dr Who Meme the ability to create memes that could change the course of history.

Dr Who Meme's Adventures

Dr Who Meme's adventures took him all across the universe. He would often encounter strange creatures and villains, but he never lost his sense of humor. In fact, his humor was often what saved him from danger.

One of his most famous adventures was when he traveled back in time to the medieval era. There, he met a group of knights who were on a quest to slay a dragon. Dr Who Meme knew exactly what to do, he created a meme so hilarious that the dragon laughed itself to death.

Another adventure took him to a planet where the inhabitants were being terrorized by a giant monster. Dr Who Meme knew just what to do, he created a meme so funny that it made the monster laugh uncontrollably, allowing the people to escape.


In the end, Dr Who Meme was not just a hero, he was a legend. He used his powers of humor and time travel to make the world a better place, one meme at a time. His adventures will never be forgotten, for they have left a lasting impact on the universe.


  • Dr Who Meme
  • Time Travel
  • Meme-etric field
  • Adventure

So Long and Thanks for All the Memes!

Well, dear visitors, it's time to say goodbye. I hope you've enjoyed our little journey into the world of Dr Who memes as much as I have! We've laughed, we've cried (mostly from laughing too hard), and we've discovered some truly hilarious memes along the way.

As we close out this blog post, I wanted to leave you with a few final thoughts on the world of Dr Who memes. First and foremost, I think it's important to remember that laughter is the best medicine. No matter how bad your day might be going, there's always a Dr Who meme out there that can bring a smile to your face.

Secondly, I think it's worth noting just how creative the Dr Who fan community is. From clever one-liners to elaborate photo edits, there's no shortage of talented meme-makers out there. I've been blown away by the sheer variety of memes we've covered in this blog post!

Of course, not every meme is created equal. Some are instant classics that will stand the test of time, while others are quickly forgotten. But even the lesser memes are still worth a chuckle or two, and that's what makes Dr Who memes so great – they're accessible to everyone.

Before we go, let's take a moment to reflect on some of the best memes we've covered in this blog post:

Who could forget the classic Bad Wolf meme, which turns Rose Tyler's catchphrase into a hilarious punchline?

Or the Why Can't I Hold All These Feels? meme, which perfectly captures the emotional rollercoaster that is watching Dr Who?

And let's not forget the Doctor Who? More Like Doctor Whoops! meme, which combines the Doctor's bumbling nature with some truly cringe-worthy puns.

There are countless other great memes out there, of course, but these are just a few of my personal favorites. What are yours?

As we wrap up this blog post, I want to thank you all for joining me on this journey. It's been a blast exploring the world of Dr Who memes with you, and I hope you'll continue to enjoy them for years to come!

Until next time, keep calm and meme on!

What are the Common Questions People Ask About Dr Who Meme?

Why is Dr Who Meme So Popular?

Dr Who Meme has become a sensation on social media platforms due to its humor and relatability. The show's plot and characters have been creatively transformed into memes that people can easily share, comment on, and relate to in their daily lives.

What Makes Dr Who Meme so Funny?

The humor in Dr Who Meme is derived from the show's bizarre and imaginative universe. The memes often involve witty references to iconic scenes or quotes from the show, making it hilarious for fans of the show who understand the context.

Is Watching Dr Who Necessary to Understand the Memes?

No, watching the show is not necessary to understand Dr Who Memes. However, having some knowledge of the show's plot and characters may help you appreciate the humor in the memes better.

Where Can I Find Dr Who Memes?

You can find Dr Who Memes on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit. You can also search for them using hashtags such as #DrWhoMemes, #TARDIS, and #TimeLord.

Can I Create My Own Dr Who Memes?

Absolutely! Creating your own Dr Who Memes is a great way to express yourself creatively and share your love for the show with others. You can use meme generators or create your own designs using image editing software.

Are There Any Risks Associated with Sharing Dr Who Memes?

Although Dr Who Memes are meant to be humorous and entertaining, it's important to be mindful of copyright laws when sharing them. Always ensure that you're not infringing on anyone's intellectual property rights when creating or sharing memes.

What Should I Do if I Come Across Offensive Dr Who Memes?

If you come across offensive Dr Who Memes, it's best to report them to the platform where you found them. Most social media platforms have policies against hate speech and offensive content, and they take swift action against violators.

Can Dr Who Memes be Used for Educational Purposes?

Yes, Dr Who Memes can be used for educational purposes such as teaching literature, history, and pop culture. They can be used to spark discussions, encourage critical thinking, and promote engagement among students.

What is the Future of Dr Who Meme?

The future of Dr Who Meme looks bright as long as the show continues to attract new fans and provide fresh material for meme creators. The show's enduring popularity and relevance in pop culture ensure that Dr Who Meme will continue to be a source of laughter and entertainment for years to come.