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Find the perfect gift with Guess Who Exta: The ultimate timeline game for all ages

Guess Who Exta

Guess Who Extra is a fun guessing game that challenges players to identify the mystery character before their opponents do!

Guess Who Extra is not your average board game. With its updated features and added twist, it's the perfect game to bring out during family game night. Not to mention, it's a great way to test your detective skills and see who in your family has the best poker face. So, how exactly does Guess Who Extra differ from the classic version we all know and love?

First and foremost, there are more characters to choose from - a whopping 24 to be exact! This means more possibilities and more fun. But that's not all - the game also includes new question cards that add a whole new level of strategy to the game. Not only do players have to figure out which character their opponent has, but they also have to plan their questions carefully to eliminate as many characters as possible.

But what really sets Guess Who Extra apart is the addition of the extra feature. Each player is given an extra character card that only they know about. If they manage to guess their opponent's character correctly without using any of the standard questions, they can reveal their extra card and win the game instantly. Talk about a game-changer!

Of course, with all these added features comes a bit of a learning curve. It can take a few rounds to get the hang of the new questions and the extra card, but once you do, it adds a whole new level of excitement to the game. Plus, watching your family members squirm as they try to avoid giving away too much information is always entertaining.

One thing to keep in mind is that Guess Who Extra is best played with at least two people. While it's still possible to play with just one other person, it loses some of its charm. This is definitely a game that thrives on the social aspect, so make sure to invite your friends and family over for a game night!

Another thing to consider is the age range of the players. While the game is recommended for ages 6 and up, it can still be challenging for younger children. However, with a bit of guidance from older players, it can still be a fun and engaging activity for the whole family.

In terms of replayability, Guess Who Extra definitely delivers. With so many characters to choose from and new questions each game, it never gets old. Plus, the added element of strategy with the extra card keeps things fresh and exciting.

All in all, Guess Who Extra is a fantastic addition to any family's game collection. It's a great way to bond with loved ones while also flexing your detective skills. So, gather your family and friends, grab some snacks, and get ready to put your poker face to the test!

The Game that Brings Out the Detective in You

Guess Who Extra is a classic board game that has been around for ages. It's a game that challenges your detective skills and brings out the competitive spirit in you. If you haven't played it yet, you're missing out on all the fun. The game is simple, yet challenging. All you need to do is guess the identity of your opponent's mystery character by asking yes or no questions. Sounds easy, right? Well, think again.

The Characters that Make You Go Hmm...

One of the best things about Guess Who Extra is the characters themselves. There are 24 different characters to choose from, each with their own unique features and quirks. From the bald guy with glasses to the girl with pigtails, these characters will make you scratch your head and wonder who your opponent has picked. And let's not forget about the extra characters that come with the game. These characters have even more unique features, making the game even more challenging.

The Questions that Make You Think

As mentioned earlier, the key to winning Guess Who Extra is to ask the right questions. But what are the right questions? That's the million-dollar question. The questions you ask should eliminate as many characters as possible, so you can narrow down your guess. But be careful, one wrong question could lead you down the wrong path. So, think before you ask.

The Obvious Questions

Let's start with the obvious questions. These are questions that will eliminate a large number of characters at once. For example, asking if the character is a male or female will eliminate half of the characters. Asking if the character has glasses or not will eliminate a good number of characters as well. These questions are a good starting point, but they won't get you very far.

The Sneaky Questions

Now, let's move on to the sneaky questions. These are questions that will eliminate a smaller number of characters, but they're still important. For example, asking if the character has curly hair or straight hair will only eliminate a few characters, but it's still a helpful question. Asking if the character is wearing a hat or not is another sneaky question. These questions may not seem like much, but they can help you eliminate characters one by one.

The Risky Questions

Last but not least, we have the risky questions. These are questions that could either lead you to victory or defeat. For example, asking if the character has a beard or not could eliminate a good number of characters, but it could also lead you down the wrong path if your opponent has picked a bearded lady. Asking if the character has a big nose or not is another risky question. These questions require a bit of intuition and a lot of luck.

The Strategies that Work

Guess Who Extra is not just a game of luck; it's a game of strategy as well. Here are some strategies that could help you win:

Process of Elimination

The most basic strategy is to use the process of elimination. Start with the obvious questions and work your way down to the sneaky questions. Eliminate as many characters as possible with each question, so you can narrow down your guess.

Reverse Psychology

Another strategy is to use reverse psychology. Ask questions that would lead your opponent to think you're guessing a certain character, when in fact, you're not. This will throw off your opponent and give you an advantage.


Bluffing is another strategy that could work. Act like you know who your opponent's character is, even if you don't. This will make your opponent nervous and could lead them to make a mistake.

The Laughs and the Cheers

No matter how competitive the game gets, one thing is for sure; there will be laughs and cheers. Guess Who Extra is a game that brings people together and creates memories. Whether you're playing with your family or friends, you're guaranteed to have a good time. And who knows, you might even learn something new about each other.

The Conclusion

Guess Who Extra is a game that never gets old. It's a game that challenges your detective skills, brings out the competitive spirit in you, and creates memories. So, gather your family or friends, set up the board, and let the guessing begin. Who knows, you might just become the ultimate detective.

Guess Who Exta: A Hilarious Review

Have you ever played Guess Who? Well, get ready for the extra version, aptly named Guess Who Exta. I recently played this game and let me tell you, it was a wild ride. Did they just add more hair options? Because some of these characters had hair that looked like it belonged on a mop. And don't even get me started on the noses. Is that a real nose or a prop from a clown's costume?

Questionable Fashion Choices

Why do all the characters look like they've been stung by bees in the lips? And did anyone else notice that almost every character is wearing a scarf? Are they trying to start a trend or just keep their necks warm? And don't even get me started on the outfits. Are they serious with these outfits? I wouldn't be caught dead in some of them. It's like they raided a thrift store and picked out the most outrageous pieces they could find.

Technical Difficulties

Did somebody forget to hit the 'save' button on these character designs? It's like they were halfway through creating them and just gave up. Why do I feel like all the faces look like they belong on one of those old animatronic robots from Disneyland? And speaking of faces, is there a prize for guessing who has the most asymmetrical features? Because some of these characters looked like they were made by a toddler with a Picasso complex.

Unfair Advantages

Who else thinks it's unfair that there's a character with sunglasses? It's not like we can ask them to take them off. And what's up with the character who looks like they have a hood on? Are they hiding something? Or just trying to be edgy?

The Big-Eared Hero

But can we all agree that the character with the biggest ears deserves their own spin-off show? I mean, those things are massive. It's like they could fly away at any moment. And yet, they still manage to make it work. Bravo, big-eared hero, bravo.

All in all, Guess Who Exta was a hilarious experience. If you're looking for a game that will make you laugh and question your fashion choices, this is the game for you. Just be prepared to see some questionable noses and scarves.

The Mysterious Guess Who Exta

A Strange and Hilarious Encounter

It was an ordinary day for me, until I saw a peculiar looking creature walking down the street. It had four legs, a long tail, and a head that looked like a combination of a chicken and a lizard. I couldn't help but stare in amazement and confusion. As it approached me, it suddenly spoke in a high-pitched voice.

Hello there! Can you guess who I am?

I was taken aback by the talking creature and didn't know what to say. It seemed to notice my confusion and introduced itself as Guess Who Exta. Apparently, it was a creature that loved to surprise and confuse people by constantly changing its appearance.

Table of Keywords

Keyword Description
Guess Who Exta A mysterious creature that loves to surprise and confuse people by changing its appearance.
Humorous voice and tone The way in which the story is told, using a funny and light-hearted approach.
Storytelling The art of telling a story, using descriptive language and engaging characters.

As we walked together, Guess Who Exta kept changing its appearance, from a giant carrot to a tiny elephant, and even a lamp post. Each time it changed, I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. Guess Who Exta seemed to enjoy my laughter and continued to surprise me with its transformations.

After a while, we parted ways and I was left with a feeling of joy and amusement. Guess Who Exta may have been a strange and mysterious creature, but it certainly brought some humor and laughter into my day.

  1. Conclusion:

In conclusion, encountering Guess Who Exta was a bizarre and hilarious experience. Its constant transformations and humorous tone made for an entertaining and unforgettable encounter. I may never know the true identity of this mysterious creature, but I will always remember the joy and laughter it brought into my life.

Thanks for Guessing Who Extra!

Well, well, well! Looks like you’ve made it to the end of our Guess Who Extra blog post. Congratulations! We hope you had as much fun reading it as we had writing it. As you might have guessed, we love games, and we especially love ones that involve guessing. And that’s why we’re so excited to share Guess Who Extra with you.

Before we say goodbye, we’d like to take a moment to reflect on some of the things we’ve learned during this journey. First and foremost, we’ve learned that guessing games are a great way to bond with family and friends. Whether you’re playing with your kids, your partner, or your grandparents, guessing games can provide hours of entertainment and laughter.

We’ve also learned that there’s more to Guess Who Extra than meets the eye. Sure, it might look like a simple game of “Who Am I?” on the surface, but once you start playing, you’ll discover all sorts of hidden features and strategies that make the game even more exciting.

For example, did you know that you can use the special cards to ask questions about physical characteristics, such as hair color or clothing? Or that you can use the secret envelopes to give yourself an advantage over your opponent? These are just a few of the many ways that Guess Who Extra keeps things interesting.

Of course, we couldn’t write about Guess Who Extra without mentioning some of our favorite characters. Who could forget the sneaky thief with the mask, or the wacky chef with the giant hat? And let’s not forget the mysterious astronaut who seems to be from another planet altogether. Each character has their own unique personality and backstory, making the game even more immersive.

But enough about us – we want to hear from you! Have you played Guess Who Extra before? What did you think of it? Do you have any tips or tricks to share with other players? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below.

And if you haven’t played Guess Who Extra yet, what are you waiting for? Grab a friend or family member, fire up the game, and get ready to guess your way to victory. We promise you won’t be disappointed!

Before we sign off, we’d like to thank you for taking the time to read our blog post. We hope you’ve enjoyed it, and that you’ll come back to visit us again soon. Who knows – maybe we’ll write about another exciting game next time!

Until then, keep guessing – and keep having fun!

What People Also Ask About Guess Who Extra

What is Guess Who Extra?

Guess Who Extra is a board game that tests your deduction skills. It's a modern twist on the classic Guess Who game, where you have to guess the identity of your opponent's mystery character by asking yes or no questions.

How many players can play Guess Who Extra?

The game can be played by two to six players, making it perfect for family game nights or gatherings with friends.

Is Guess Who Extra suitable for children?

Yes, Guess Who Extra is suitable for children aged six and above. It's a fun and educational game that helps develop their logical thinking and deduction skills.

What are the extra features of Guess Who Extra?

  • Electronic lights and sounds for a more interactive experience
  • Extra game modes, including a speed round and a memory challenge
  • More characters to choose from, including pets and accessories

How long does a typical game of Guess Who Extra last?

A game of Guess Who Extra typically lasts around 20-30 minutes, depending on the number of players and the game mode chosen.

Can adults enjoy playing Guess Who Extra?

Of course! Guess Who Extra is a game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It's a great way to bond with your family and friends while sharpening your deduction skills.

Is Guess Who Extra a good gift idea?

Definitely! Guess Who Extra makes for a great gift idea for birthdays, holidays, or any special occasion. It's a fun and engaging game that will bring joy to anyone who loves board games.

What if I lose a piece or a card from the game?

No worries! You can always contact the manufacturer for replacement parts or cards. Alternatively, you can try making your own version of the missing piece or card using art materials.

Can I play Guess Who Extra online?

Yes, there are online versions of Guess Who Extra that you can play with friends or strangers. However, nothing beats the fun and excitement of playing the physical board game.

Do I need any special skills to play Guess Who Extra?

No, you don't need any special skills to play Guess Who Extra. It's a game that anyone can learn and enjoy, regardless of their age or background. All you need is a sharp mind and a willingness to have fun!