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The Ultimate Guide to Countering Sombra in Overwatch: Top Tips and Tricks

Who Counters Sombra

Find out which Overwatch heroes can counter Sombra's hacking and invisibility abilities. Learn how to outplay this elusive hacker in your next game!

If you're a regular player of Overwatch, then you know how frustrating it can be to face against Sombra. This Mexican hacker is notorious for her ability to hack into enemies, rendering them useless and leaving them vulnerable to attacks. But fear not, my fellow Overwatchers, for there are a number of heroes who can counter Sombra's annoying hacks.

First up on the list is D.Va. This Korean mech pilot may seem like an unlikely choice, but hear me out. D.Va has the ability to eat up Sombra's hacks with her Defense Matrix, making her a formidable opponent against the hacker. Plus, with her Mobility ability, D.Va can easily chase down Sombra and take her out.

Another hero who can effectively counter Sombra is Winston. The intelligent gorilla scientist has a barrier projector that can protect his team from Sombra's EMP ultimate. Not only that, but Winston's Tesla Cannon can quickly take out Sombra's translocator, making it difficult for her to escape.

Now, if you're looking for a hero who can really put the hurt on Sombra, look no further than Junkrat. The Australian demolitionist may not have any abilities specifically designed to counter Sombra, but his explosive arsenal can make quick work of the hacker. Just toss a few grenades in her direction, and watch as she scurries away in fear.

But let's not forget about our resident cowboy, McCree. With his Flashbang ability, McCree can stun Sombra, leaving her open for a quick headshot. Plus, his Deadeye ultimate can quickly take out Sombra and any other enemies in her vicinity.

And last but not least, we have the one and only Symmetra. Yes, I know what you're thinking, but hear me out. Symmetra's turrets can slow down and damage Sombra, making it difficult for her to hack and escape. Plus, if Sombra tries to sneak up on Symmetra, she can quickly take her out with her Photon Projector.

So there you have it, folks. These are just a few of the heroes who can effectively counter Sombra's annoying hacks. The next time you find yourself face-to-face with this pesky hacker, remember these tips and take her down with ease.


As an Overwatch player, you might have come across Sombra, the Mexican hacker who can cloak herself and make your life miserable. But don't worry, in this article, we'll explore some heroes who can counter her and make her regret ever messing with you.

The Devil Himself: Doomfist

Doomfist is a tank hero who can dish out a lot of damage and has a passive ability called The Best Defense that regenerates his health when he lands successful hits. He can also use his Rocket Punch to knock Sombra away and interrupt her hack. If Sombra tries to escape using her Translocator, Doomfist can follow her with his Rocket Punch or his ultimate ability, Meteor Strike, which deals massive damage in an area.

The Sniper: Widowmaker

Widowmaker is a sniper hero who can pick off enemies from a distance, including Sombra. Even if Sombra cloaks herself, Widowmaker can still see her thanks to her Infra-Sight ultimate ability. Widowmaker's Grappling Hook also allows her to quickly move around the map and avoid Sombra's EMP ultimate ability, which can disable her abilities and weapons.

The D.Va Defense Matrix: D.Va

D.Va is a tank hero who can absorb incoming projectiles with her Defense Matrix ability. This includes Sombra's bullets and her Hack ability, which disables other heroes' abilities. D.Va can also use her Boosters ability to quickly close the gap between her and Sombra, and her Self-Destruct ultimate ability can force Sombra to either flee or risk getting caught in the explosion.

The Laser Beam: Symmetra

Symmetra is a support hero who can create teleporters and turrets, but her main weapon is her Photon Projector, which can lock on to enemies and deal increasing damage over time. Sombra's cloaking ability won't save her from Symmetra's laser beam, and her Sentry Turrets can detect cloaked enemies and slow them down. Symmetra's ultimate ability, Photon Barrier, can also block Sombra's EMP ultimate ability.

The Healing Aura: Lucio

Lucio is a support hero who can heal his allies with his Crossfade ability, which switches between a healing and a speed boost aura. He can also use his Soundwave ability to knock back enemies, including Sombra. Lucio's ultimate ability, Sound Barrier, provides a temporary shield to all allies within range, which can protect them from Sombra's EMP ultimate ability.

The Poisonous Gas: Junkrat

Junkrat is a damage hero who can lob grenades and mines at his enemies. His Steel Trap ability can also immobilize Sombra and prevent her from escaping, while his Concussion Mine can launch her away from her team. Junkrat's ultimate ability, RIP-Tire, can also chase down Sombra and explode near her, dealing massive damage.

The Flashbang: McCree

McCree is a damage hero who can stun his enemies with his Flashbang ability, which can interrupt Sombra's hack and leave her vulnerable. His Peacekeeper revolver can also deal a lot of damage, especially if he lands a headshot. McCree's ultimate ability, Deadeye, can also target Sombra and instantly kill her if she's not behind cover.

The Firestrike: Reinhardt

Reinhardt is a tank hero who can protect his allies with his Barrier Field ability, which can block Sombra's bullets and Hack ability. His Firestrike ability can also pass through enemies and deal damage, including to Sombra. Reinhardt's ultimate ability, Earthshatter, can also knock down Sombra and her team, leaving them vulnerable to attack.

The Ice Wall: Mei

Mei is a tank hero who can freeze her enemies with her Endothermic Blaster and create ice walls to block their path. Sombra's cloaking ability won't save her from being frozen by Mei, and her Hack ability won't work on Mei's Ice Wall or Cryo-Freeze ability, which allows her to heal herself and become invulnerable for a short time. Mei's ultimate ability, Blizzard, can also freeze Sombra and her team in place.

The Hammer: Torbjorn

Torbjorn is a damage hero who can build turrets and upgrade weapons. His Rivet Gun can also deal a lot of damage, especially if he lands headshots. Torbjorn's ultimate ability, Molten Core, can turn his turret into a deadly machine gun that can mow down Sombra and her team. Even if Sombra tries to hack Torbjorn's turret, he can simply repair it with his Forge Hammer.


There you have it, ten heroes who can counter Sombra and make her wish she never crossed your path. Of course, the best way to counter Sombra is to communicate with your team and coordinate your attacks. But if you're playing solo, try out one of these heroes and show Sombra who's boss.

Countering Sombra: The Art of Outplaying the Ultimate Outplay-er

If you're tired of getting hacked by Sombra every time you play Overwatch, fear not! The Anti-Hacker's Squad is here to help. No Sombra? No Problema! We've got you covered with these tips and tricks to shut down Sombra with ease.

Sombra who? Meet the Overwatch Overlords

The first step to countering Sombra is to know your enemies. Meet the Overwatch Overlords - the heroes that can easily shut down Sombra's hacking abilities. Winston, Symmetra, Mei, and Zarya are some of the strongest counters to Sombra. Winston's tesla cannon can zap Sombra out of her invisibility, while Symmetra's turrets can track and damage her. Mei's ice wall can block Sombra's escape routes, and Zarya's barriers can protect her team from Sombra's EMP.

Playing Sombra: The Dos and Don'ts of Overwatch

Now, if you're playing as Sombra and want to avoid being countered, remember these dos and don'ts. Do prioritize hacking health packs and key targets like Reinhardt or Mercy. Don't go HAM on hacking every enemy in sight. Do use your translocator to escape danger or flank the enemy. Don't use it as a shortcut to cross the map. Do use your EMP to disable enemy abilities and ultimates. Don't waste it on a single target.

Unleash the Power of the Overwatch Heroes: Sombra's Downfall

The key to countering Sombra is to work as a team and use the strengths of your heroes. For example, Winston can use his bubble shield to protect his team from Sombra's hacks while Symmetra can set up her turrets to trap Sombra. Communication is key, so make sure to call out when you see Sombra and where she is heading.

The Kryptonite to Sombra's Superman: Meet the Anti-Heroes

Sombra may be a powerful hacker, but she's not invincible. There are heroes that can easily shut down her hacking abilities and turn the tables on her. Torbjorn's turret can lock onto Sombra and take her down, while McCree's flashbang can stun her and leave her vulnerable. Junkrat's traps can catch her off guard, and Pharah's rockets can knock her out of the sky.

Overwatch's Counter-Strike: How to Shut Down Sombra with Ease

Playing against Sombra requires strategy and skill. Here are some tips to shut down Sombra with ease. First, keep an eye on your health packs and make sure they're not hacked. Second, be aware of Sombra's position and try to catch her off guard. Third, use heroes that can counter Sombra's abilities. Finally, communicate with your team and coordinate your attacks.

Countering Sombra: A Beginner's Guide to Winning

If you're new to Overwatch and struggling to counter Sombra, don't worry! With these tips and tricks, you'll be able to shut down Sombra and win the game. Remember to use heroes that counter Sombra's abilities, communicate with your team, and prioritize key targets. With practice and patience, you'll become an expert at countering Sombra.

Sombra? More like Som'not today!

With these tips and tricks, you'll be able to shut down Sombra with ease. No longer will she be able to hack your health packs, disable your abilities, or sneak up on you. The Anti-Hacker's Squad has got your back, and together we'll take down Sombra and show her who's boss.

Who Counters Sombra?

The Tale of the Hack-Proof Heroes

Once upon a time, in the land of Overwatch, there was a sneaky hacker named Sombra. She was known for her ability to infiltrate enemy lines and wreak havoc on their plans. But little did she know, there were heroes who were immune to her tricks.

1. Zarya

First on the list is Zarya, the Russian weightlifter with a heart of gold. Her Particle Barrier and Projected Barrier abilities both shield her from Sombra's hack. Plus, her weapon can dish out some serious damage, making her a formidable opponent for any enemy.

2. Symmetra

Next up, Symmetra, the Indian architect with a talent for creating portals and turrets. Her Photon Barrier ability not only blocks Sombra's hack, but it also provides cover for her team. And let's not forget about those pesky turrets that can take down enemies in no time.

3. Moira

Moira, the Irish scientist with a knack for healing and dealing damage, is also immune to Sombra's hack. Her Fade ability allows her to quickly escape any sticky situation, while her Biotic Grasp can heal allies and damage enemies simultaneously.

4. Winston

Lastly, we have Winston, the lovable gorilla with a genius intellect. His Barrier Projector creates a dome that protects him and his teammates from Sombra's hack. Plus, his Tesla Cannon can zap enemies from a distance, making him a tough opponent to take down.

And so, the hack-proof heroes prevailed against Sombra's tricks. But let's not forget, teamwork and communication are always key in any battle. So, gather your allies and strategize to counter any enemy, even the sneaky hacker herself.

Keywords Definition
Sombra A hero character in the video game Overwatch, known for her hacking abilities.
Zarya A hero character in Overwatch, known for her strength and ability to shield herself and allies.
Symmetra A hero character in Overwatch, known for her ability to create portals and turrets.
Moira A hero character in Overwatch, known for her ability to heal and deal damage simultaneously.
Winston A hero character in Overwatch, known for his intelligence and ability to create shields.

Goodbye, Sombra - It's Been Fun Countering You!

Well, we've come to the end of our journey together, fellow Overwatch players. We've learned a lot about how to counter Sombra and make her life miserable, but it's time to say goodbye.

Before we part ways, let me remind you of some of the key points we've covered in this blog. First and foremost, always be aware of your surroundings. Sombra relies on stealth and surprise to catch her enemies off guard, so keep your eyes peeled and your ears open at all times.

Another important tip is to communicate with your team. If you spot Sombra sneaking around, let your teammates know so they can be on the lookout as well. And if you're playing a hero that's particularly good at countering Sombra, like Winston or Brigitte, make sure your team knows so they can help you out.

Of course, there are also some specific strategies you can use to take down Sombra. For example, if you're playing as Zenyatta, try to keep your orbs on Sombra as much as possible so you can detect her even when she's invisible. And if you're playing as McCree, save your Flashbang for when Sombra tries to hack you.

But perhaps the most important thing to remember when countering Sombra is to have fun with it. After all, there's no better feeling than frustrating an enemy player with your superior tactics and skills.

So go forth, Overwatch players, and show Sombra who's boss. Whether you're using her own tricks against her or simply outplaying her at every turn, always remember to stay focused, communicate with your team, and above all, have fun.

And with that, I bid you farewell. May your matches be filled with victories and your enemies left in awe of your amazing counter-Sombra skills. Until next time!

Who Counters Sombra?

The Most Commonly Asked Question in Overwatch

As an AI language model, I have noticed that a lot of people are asking about the best heroes to counter Sombra. Well, I'm here to answer that question for you with a bit of humor!

1. Winston

Winston is a scientist gorilla who has a personal vendetta against Sombra because she always hacks his computer. He can easily take her down with his Tesla Cannon and ruin her day.

2. Symmetra

Symmetra's turrets are no match for Sombra's hacking skills, and she can quickly trap Sombra in a sticky situation. Plus, if Sombra tries to escape, Symmetra's ultimate ability can fry her circuits with a giant laser.

3. Mei

Mei's ice wall can block Sombra's movements, and her frost beam can freeze her in place. Plus, if Sombra manages to hack Mei, she'll just freeze herself in place and make it easier for Mei to kill her.

4. Brigitte

Brigitte has a shield that can block Sombra's bullets and a powerful stun ability that can knock Sombra out of her invisibility. Plus, if Sombra tries to hack Brigitte, she'll just get a shield bash to the face.

5. Torbjorn

Torbjorn's turret can track Sombra even when she's invisible, and his shotgun can pack a punch if she gets too close. Plus, if Sombra tries to hack Torbjorn's turret, he can just repair it and make her waste her time.

So, there you have it! These are the heroes that can give Sombra a hard time. But remember, Overwatch is a game of strategy, so it's important to adapt to your opponent's playstyle and use your hero's strengths to their fullest potential. Good luck out there!