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Top 5 Champions that Counter Maokai: A Guide to Crushing the Treant in League of Legends

Who Counter Maokai

Who Counter Maokai? Learn the best champions and strategies to beat this tanky tree in League of Legends. Dominate the top lane with our expert guide.

Who Counter Maokai? The answer to that question may surprise you. But before we delve into that, let's take a moment to appreciate the champion in question. Maokai, the Twisted Treant, is a force to be reckoned with on the Summoner's Rift. With his ability to root opponents in place and soak up damage like a sponge, he can be a nightmare to deal with. But fear not, for there are champions out there who can put an end to his reign of terror.

First up on our list of Maokai counters is none other than the yordle marksman himself, Teemo. That's right, the little guy with the big attitude can take down Maokai with ease. His poison darts whittle away at Maokai's health, while his blinding shot renders Maokai's attacks useless. Plus, who doesn't love watching a giant tree get taken down by a tiny furball?

Next on our list is the queen of the jungle, Nidalee. With her ability to poke from a distance and heal herself when needed, she can keep Maokai at bay while chipping away at his health. And if Maokai does manage to get close, she can use her cougar form to leap away and reposition herself for another attack.

But what about those times when you just want to take a more direct approach? Enter Darius, the Noxian executioner. With his massive axe and ability to pull opponents in close for the kill, he can make short work of Maokai. And let's face it, there's something satisfying about watching a tree get chopped down.

For those who prefer a more magical approach, we have Annie, the Dark Child. Her burst damage can take Maokai by surprise, while her stun can keep him in place long enough for her to land the killing blow. And let's not forget about her trusty bear, Tibbers, who can dish out some serious damage of his own.

Now, I know what you're thinking. But what about tanks? Surely they're the best at taking down other tanks like Maokai. Well, that may be true in some cases, but there's one tank in particular who stands out as a Maokai counter: Poppy. Her ability to charge into battle and pin opponents against walls is a nightmare for Maokai, who relies on mobility to stay alive. And if he tries to use his ultimate to knock her away, she can simply use her own ultimate to negate it.

Of course, these are just a few examples of champions who can counter Maokai. There are plenty more out there, waiting to be discovered. So next time you find yourself facing off against the Twisted Treant, remember that there's always a way to come out on top.

In conclusion, Maokai may be a formidable opponent, but he's far from unbeatable. Whether you prefer to take him down from a distance or get up close and personal, there's a champion out there who can get the job done. So don't be intimidated by his massive size and impressive abilities. With the right strategy and a little bit of luck, you can take down Maokai and claim victory on the Rift.


Maokai is a popular champion in the game League of Legends. He is a tanky champion with a lot of sustain and crowd control abilities. He can be a real pain to deal with, but fear not! In this article, we will be discussing who counters Maokai and how to deal with him in a humorous tone.

Champions That Counter Maokai

1. Vayne - The Tumble Queen

Vayne is a great counter to Maokai due to her mobility and true damage. Her tumble ability allows her to dodge Maokai's sapling toss and his twisted advance ability. Not to mention, her silver bolts ability can shred through Maokai's tankiness like butter. Just make sure to avoid getting caught by Maokai's ultimate, which can root you in place.

2. Fiora - The Duelist

Fiora is a great duelist that can easily take down Maokai. Her riposte ability can parry Maokai's twisted advance and stun him, leaving him vulnerable to attack. Her ultimate ability can also deal massive amounts of true damage to Maokai, making it hard for him to survive.

3. Trundle - The Troll King

Trundle is a great pick against Maokai due to his ability to steal Maokai's stats and reduce his healing. His chomp ability can also deal a lot of damage to Maokai while stealing his attack damage. Not to mention, his pillar of ice can separate Maokai from his team, making it easier to focus him down.

Items That Counter Maokai

1. Executioner's Calling

Executioner's Calling is a great item to counter Maokai's healing. It applies grievous wounds to Maokai, reducing his healing by 40%. This can make it hard for him to sustain in team fights and laning phase.

2. Morellonomicon

Morellonomicon is another great item that applies grievous wounds to Maokai. Not only does it reduce his healing, but it also provides ability power and mana regeneration. This is a great item for AP champions that want to deal with Maokai's sustain.

3. Blade of the Ruined King

Blade of the Ruined King is a great item for AD champions that want to take down Maokai. Its passive ability deals bonus physical damage based on Maokai's maximum health and steals movement speed. This makes it easier for AD champions to kite Maokai and take him down.

How to Deal With Maokai in Laning Phase

1. Dodge His Saplings

Maokai's sapling toss ability can deal a lot of damage in the early game. Make sure to dodge his saplings by staying behind minions or moving erratically. If you get hit by his saplings, try to avoid getting rooted by his twisted advance ability.

2. Avoid Getting Twisted Advance

Maokai's twisted advance ability can root you in place, making it easy for him to land his other abilities. Try to avoid getting caught by his twisted advance by staying behind minions or using mobility abilities. If you do get caught, try to use your escape ability to get away.

3. Punish Him When He Uses His Abilities

Maokai's abilities have a long cooldown in the early game. Punish him when he uses his abilities by trading with him or poking him down. This will make it harder for him to sustain and trade effectively in lane.


In conclusion, Maokai can be a tough champion to deal with, but there are ways to counter him. Champions like Vayne, Fiora, and Trundle can easily take him down, while items like Executioner's Calling, Morellonomicon, and Blade of the Ruined King can reduce his healing and tankiness. In laning phase, try to dodge his saplings, avoid getting twisted advance, and punish him when he uses his abilities. With these tips, you'll be able to take down Maokai and lead your team to victory.

Timber! How to Chop Down Maokai Like a Lumberjack

The Weed Whacker's Guide to Beating Maokai

Are you tired of getting tangled up in Maokai's branches? Does his constant healing make you want to scream? Fear not, my friends, for I have the ultimate guide to defeating this pesky tree.

Leaf It to Me: Tips for Taking Down Maokai in Lane

First things first, let's talk about laning against Maokai. The key here is to avoid his Twisted Advance at all costs. This ability allows him to root you in place and follow up with a devastating combo. So, keep your distance and try to bait out his W before engaging. Another important thing to note is his passive, Sap Magic. This ability allows him to heal himself after every 5 abilities used on him. To counter this, focus on short trades and poke him down slowly. If he uses his Q to farm, take advantage of the cooldown and harass him while it's down.

Bark Up the Wrong Tree: How to Make Maokai Wish He Was Still a Sapling

Now, let's get into some more advanced strategies. One way to really mess with Maokai is by using his own plants against him. If he spawns his saplings, kill them immediately. Not only does this deny him vision, but it also prevents him from using them for his ultimate. Additionally, if he ults in team fights, try to position yourself so that his ult does not encompass the entire fight. This will limit the amount of healing he can provide to his team and make them much easier to take down.

The Cursed Sapling Solution: How to Handle Maokai's Clone Army

Maokai's W can be a real pain, especially when he uses it to engage on you. However, there is a way to outsmart him. When he uses his W, immediately run away from the spot where he landed. This will prevent him from following up with his Q and E abilities. Another way to handle his clone army is by using area of effect abilities to clear them out quickly. Champions like Ziggs or Syndra are great for this, as they can easily take out multiple saplings at once.

Branching Out: Strategies for Outsmarting Maokai's Twisted Advance

As mentioned earlier, avoiding Maokai's W is crucial in laning against him. However, there are other ways to outplay him as well. For example, if he uses his W to engage on you, try to stun or root him so that he can't follow up with his combo. Additionally, champions with mobility abilities like dashes or blinks can use them to dodge his W and reposition themselves for a counter-attack.

Stumped: How to Handle Maokai's Invasive Ultimate

Maokai's ultimate, Nature's Grasp, can be a real game-changer in team fights. However, there are ways to mitigate its impact. First, try to spread out as much as possible so that not everyone gets hit by it. If you do get hit, try to dodge the follow-up damage by moving to the side. Additionally, try to focus down Maokai's team members while his ult is active, as they won't be receiving his healing during that time.

Rooting for the Enemy: How to Turn Maokai's Plants against Him

One of the coolest things about playing against Maokai is that you can actually turn his own plants against him. Champions like Zyra or Heimerdinger can use their abilities to take control of his saplings and turn them into allies. This not only denies him vision and area control, but it also allows you to use his own abilities against him.

Taking Root: How to Stop Maokai's Healing in Its Tracks

Finally, let's talk about how to stop Maokai's healing. One way to do this is by building items that reduce healing, like Morellonomicon or Executioner's Calling. Another way is to focus on killing him quickly in team fights so that he doesn't have time to heal up. This is where burst champions like Syndra or LeBlanc can really shine.

Trunk Showdown: How to Beat Maokai in a 1v1

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for - how to beat Maokai in a 1v1. The key here is to avoid his W and poke him down slowly. If he engages on you, try to stun or root him so that you can get some free damage in. Also, remember to kill his saplings as soon as he spawns them, and spread out if he uses his ultimate. With these tips, you'll be able to take down Maokai like a pro.

Who Counter Maokai?

The Story of the Great Counter

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Runeterra, there was a champion called Maokai. He was a tree-like creature with immense strength and the power to control nature. Maokai was feared by many, but there was one champion who could stand up to him - the great counter.

The Great Counter

The great counter was a champion who had the power to defeat Maokai in battle. He was known for his quick wit and his ability to outsmart his opponents. Whenever Maokai appeared on the battlefield, the great counter would be there to meet him.

One day, Maokai and the great counter found themselves facing off in the middle of a dense forest. Maokai raised his arms and summoned a powerful gust of wind that sent the great counter flying. But the great counter was not defeated - he had a trick up his sleeve.

The Secret Weapon

The great counter reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag of {{salt}}. He threw the salt at Maokai, causing him to shrink down to the size of a sapling. Maokai was powerless, and the great counter was victorious.

The Lesson Learned

From that day forward, Maokai knew that he had a weakness. He vowed to never underestimate the power of salt again. And the great counter continued to be the hero of the battlefield, always ready to take on any challenge that came his way.

Who Counter Maokai?

In conclusion, the great counter is the one champion who can truly counter Maokai. His use of {{salt}} may seem unconventional, but it is a powerful weapon that should not be underestimated. If you find yourself facing off against Maokai, remember the great counter and his secret weapon - you just might be able to defeat him too.

  • Keywords: {{salt}}

Goodbye, Fellow Summoners!

Well, we have come to the end of our journey together. I hope you have found my guide on how to counter Maokai informative and helpful. But before I bid you adieu, I would like to leave you all with a few parting words.

First of all, let me just say that Maokai is one tough tree to chop down. If you find yourself facing off against him in the top lane, don't be discouraged if he seems invincible at first. Remember, every champion has their weaknesses, and Maokai is no exception.

In this guide, I've given you some tips on how to exploit those weaknesses and take him down. But let's be real here - it's never going to be an easy task. You're going to have to work for that kill.

So, what have we learned from all of this? Well, for starters, we've learned that Maokai is a force to be reckoned with. He's got a ton of sustain, he's tanky as hell, and his crowd control can be absolutely devastating if you're not careful.

But we've also learned that he's not invincible. With the right strategy and a little bit of luck, any champion can take him down.

So, to all you summoners out there struggling to counter Maokai, I say this - don't give up! Keep practicing, keep experimenting, and keep learning. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be able to take down the forest god himself!

And with that, I must bid you farewell. It's been a pleasure writing this guide for you all, and I hope you've enjoyed reading it. Until next time, happy gaming!

Who Counter Maokai?


Maokai, the Twisted Treant is a champion in League of Legends who can be a real pain to deal with. His kit offers him high sustain, crowd control, and tankiness, making him an excellent choice for a top lane or jungle role. However, like all champions, Maokai has his weaknesses, and he can be countered by certain champions or strategies.

People Also Ask and Humorous Answers

1. Who can out-damage Maokai in a one-on-one fight?

Answer: A fed Teemo with a Lich Bane, or a squirrel with rabies. Just kidding, but seriously, any champion that can out-burst Maokai's sustain can take him down. Champions like Darius, Fiora, or Garen can easily out-damage Maokai in a one-on-one fight.

2. How to deal with Maokai's sustain in lane?

Answer: You can't, just give up. Kidding again! But seriously, champions like Vladimir or Gangplank with built-in sustain can match Maokai's sustain in lane. Additionally, champions with healing reduction abilities like Morellonomicon or Executioner's Calling can reduce his healing, making it easier to poke him down.

3. Who can out-tank Maokai in team fights?

Answer: A mountain, or a literal wall. Okay, okay, but seriously, champions like Cho'Gath, Sion, or Ornn can match Maokai's tankiness in team fights. Additionally, building items like Blade of the Ruined King or Liandry's Torment can shred through his health more effectively.


Maokai may be a formidable champion, but he is not unbeatable. By countering his sustain or out-damaging him in a one-on-one fight, you can bring him down easily. Additionally, focusing on his weaknesses in team fights by building tank-shredding items or matching his tankiness can give you an advantage. Remember, with the right strategy and champion, anyone can counter Maokai!