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Unmasking Symmetra: Top Heroes to Counter the Technical Terror in Overwatch

Who Counters Symmetra

Looking for the perfect counter to Symmetra? Check out our guide and discover the heroes that can shut down this powerful support character.

When it comes to Overwatch, Symmetra is a force to be reckoned with. Her ability to set up teleporters and turrets can quickly turn the tide of a battle in her team's favor. However, every hero has their counter, and Symmetra is no exception. So who exactly counters this defensive mastermind? Let's take a look at some of the heroes that can give Symmetra a run for her money.

First up, we have Winston. This lovable gorilla may not seem like much of a threat, but his ability to jump into the fray and deal area-of-effect damage can take out Symmetra's turrets in a flash. Plus, his bubble shield can protect him and his allies from her deadly photon projector.

Next on the list is Pharah. This aerial ace can stay out of Symmetra's range while raining rockets down on her and her turrets. Plus, her concussive blast can knock Symmetra away from her precious teleporter, making it harder for her to set up shop.

If you're looking for a more sneaky approach, Sombra might be your hero of choice. Her ability to hack Symmetra's turrets and teleporter can shut down her entire strategy, leaving her vulnerable to attack. Plus, Sombra's invisibility and teleportation abilities make her hard to pin down.

For a more straightforward approach, Soldier: 76 is a solid pick. His long-range rifle and sprint ability allow him to quickly take out Symmetra's turrets and deal damage from a safe distance. Plus, his biotic field can keep him and his teammates alive in the face of her deadly photon projector.

Of course, these are just a few examples of heroes that can counter Symmetra. The key is to find a hero that can take out her turrets and teleporter while avoiding her photon projector. With a little bit of strategy and teamwork, taking down Symmetra can be a breeze.

Now, you may be thinking, But what if I want to play as Symmetra? How can I defend myself against these pesky counters? Well, fear not, my friend. There are plenty of ways to protect yourself and your team from these would-be attackers.

First off, make sure you're placing your turrets in strategic locations. Don't just scatter them around willy-nilly; instead, focus on chokepoints and areas where the enemy is likely to come through. This will make it harder for them to take out your turrets without taking damage themselves.

Another key tip is to be aware of your surroundings. Keep an eye out for heroes like Winston and Pharah who can take out your turrets from a distance. If you see them coming, try to reposition your turrets or teleporter to a safer location.

If all else fails, don't be afraid to switch heroes. Sometimes, the enemy team's composition just isn't favorable for Symmetra. In these cases, it's better to switch to a hero that can better support your team and counter the enemy's strategy.

So there you have it, folks. Whether you're looking to counter Symmetra or play as her, there are plenty of strategies and heroes to choose from. With a little bit of practice and teamwork, you'll be dominating the battlefield in no time.

Introduction: Who Counters Symmetra?

Symmetra is one of the most frustrating heroes to play against in Overwatch. Her turrets can slow you down, her shield can protect her team, and her ultimate can create a powerful teleporter. But fear not! There are plenty of heroes who can counter Symmetra and make her life miserable.

1. Winston

Ah, good old Winston. The lovable gorilla scientist who can jump in and out of trouble with ease. Winston is a great counter to Symmetra because he can easily destroy her turrets with his Tesla Cannon. Plus, his Barrier Projector can protect him and his team from Symmetra's primary fire.

2. Pharah

Symmetra has no way of reaching Pharah when she's flying around in the air. Pharah's rockets can also take out Symmetra's turrets, making it difficult for her to set up a trap. Just watch out for Symmetra's charged-up orbs, as they can still hit you when you're in the air.

3. Junkrat

Junkrat may seem like an unlikely counter to Symmetra, but hear me out. Junkrat's grenades can take out Symmetra's turrets from a safe distance, and his Steel Trap can catch her if she tries to sneak up on him. Plus, his RIP-Tire can quickly clear out any teleporters or shield generators that Symmetra may have set up.

4. Genji

Genji can use his Swift Strike to quickly take out Symmetra's turrets and escape before she can react. His Deflect ability can also block Symmetra's primary fire and orbs. Just be careful not to get caught in Symmetra's beam, as it can quickly take down Genji's low health pool.

5. Tracer

Tracer's Blink ability makes her a difficult target for Symmetra's primary fire. Plus, her Pulse Bomb can quickly destroy any teleporters or shield generators that Symmetra may have set up. Just watch out for Symmetra's turrets, as they can slow down Tracer's movement and make her an easy target.

6. Widowmaker

Widowmaker's sniper rifle can take out Symmetra's turrets from a safe distance. Plus, her Infra-Sight ultimate can reveal Symmetra's location to her team, making it easier for them to take her out. Just be careful not to get caught in Symmetra's beam, as Widowmaker has low health and can quickly be taken down.

7. Mei

Mei's Ice Wall can block Symmetra's primary fire and orbs, and her Endothermic Blaster can quickly destroy Symmetra's turrets. Plus, Mei's Ice Block ability can heal her and protect her from Symmetra's beam. Just be careful not to get caught in Symmetra's ultimate, as it can freeze you in place.

8. D.Va

D.Va's Defense Matrix can absorb Symmetra's orbs and primary fire, and her Boosters can quickly take her out of danger. Plus, her Self-Destruct ultimate can clear out any teleporters or shield generators that Symmetra may have set up. Just watch out for Symmetra's turrets, as they can quickly take down D.Va's low health pool.

9. Zarya

Zarya's Particle Cannon can quickly destroy Symmetra's turrets, and her Projected Barrier can protect her or her teammates from Symmetra's primary fire. Plus, Zarya's Graviton Surge ultimate can group up Symmetra and her team, making them an easy target for your allies. Just be careful not to get caught in Symmetra's beam, as it can quickly take down Zarya's shields.

10. Mercy

Wait, what? Mercy? That's right, Mercy can actually counter Symmetra in a way. Her Guardian Angel ability allows her to quickly escape from Symmetra's beam, and her healing and damage boost can keep her teammates alive and strong. Plus, her Resurrect ultimate can bring back any fallen allies after Symmetra's team wipes them out. So while she may not be a direct counter to Symmetra, Mercy can still help her team survive against her.


So there you have it, folks. These are just a few of the heroes who can counter Symmetra and make her life miserable. Of course, every hero has their strengths and weaknesses, so don't be afraid to experiment and find out what works best for you. And remember, the best way to counter Symmetra is to work together as a team and communicate effectively. Good luck out there!

The Symmetrical Nightmare is Over!

Symmetra, the architect of destruction, has been a thorn in the side of many Overwatch players. Her turrets and photon barrier have made it difficult to advance through choke points, and her ultimate ability can turn the tide of a battle. But fear not, my friends! There are heroes who counter Symmetra with ease and make her wish she had never stepped foot on the battlefield. Say goodbye to turrets and hello to fun!

Symmetra May Be an Architect, but She's No Match for These Heroes!

First up, we have Winston. The brilliant scientist may not look intimidating, but don't let his cuddly exterior fool you. His Tesla Cannon makes quick work of Symmetra's turrets and his Barrier Projector can block her deadly orbs. Plus, his Jump Pack allows him to reach high places, where Symmetra likes to place her turrets. Hold onto your hard-light constructs, Symmetra - Winston is coming for you!Next, we have Junkrat. This maniacal hero loves nothing more than chaos and destruction, making him the perfect counter to Symmetra. His Frag Launcher can easily destroy her turrets, and his Concussion Mine can blast her out of position. And if Symmetra tries to hide behind her photon barrier, Junkrat's ultimate ability, RIP-Tire, will make short work of it. Cue the victory music - it's time to take down Symmetra!

Symmetra, Please Maintain Order While We Introduce Her Counters!

Third on our list of Symmetra counters is Pharah. This aerial powerhouse can rain rockets down on Symmetra's turrets from above, and her Hover Jets allow her to stay airborne and avoid their damage. Plus, her Concussive Blast can knock Symmetra and her team out of position, making it easier to push through choke points. Symmetra who? These heroes will have her saying, I didn't see that coming!Fourth, we have Sombra. This stealthy hero can hack Symmetra's turrets, rendering them useless. Plus, her Translocator allows her to quickly escape danger or flank the enemy team. And if Symmetra tries to use her ultimate ability, Sombra's EMP will shut it down in a heartbeat. Symmetra's got nothing on these creative counters!

Let's Pull the Plugs on Those Pesky Turrets - Symmetra's Reign is Over!

Last but not least, we have Reinhardt. The tank hero can charge through Symmetra's turrets with ease, and his Barrier Field can block her orbs and protect his team. Plus, his Earthshatter ultimate ability can knock Symmetra and her team off their feet, making them easy targets for his allies. Don't let Symmetra's precision get you down - these heroes have it covered!In conclusion, Symmetra may be a formidable opponent, but she is no match for these heroes. Winston, Junkrat, Pharah, Sombra, and Reinhardt all have unique abilities that make taking down Symmetra a breeze. So, hold onto your hard-light constructs, Symmetra - your reign is over!

The Woes of Symmetra: A Humorous Tale of Counters

The Tragic Tale of Symmetra

Once upon a time, there was a Symmetra. She was a brilliant scientist and an exceptional architect who could bend light to her will and create teleporters that made life easier for her team. But alas, she had one weakness, she was easily countered!

The Counters of Symmetra

Symmetra's woes did not end with one counter, but she had many! Here are some of the counters that made her life miserable:

  1. Winston, the Primate Scientist - He could jump in and out of Symmetra's range, making it difficult for her to lock on to him with her beam. Plus, his Tesla Cannon could take out her turrets with ease.
  2. Pharah, the Rocket Queen - She could fly out of Symmetra's range and rain rockets on her and her turrets. Symmetra's slow-moving orbs were no match for Pharah's mobility.
  3. Junkrat, the Explosive Maniac - His grenades could take out Symmetra's turrets from a safe distance, and his ability to launch himself in the air made him a difficult target for Symmetra's beam.
  4. Genji, the Cyborg Ninja - He could deflect Symmetra's orbs and beam back at her, making her a sitting duck. Plus, his shurikens and swift movement made it difficult for Symmetra to hit him.

The Perspective of a Counter

As a counter to Symmetra, I must say it's quite amusing to see her struggle. Her frustration when she can't lock on to me with her beam is priceless. It's like watching a cat trying to catch a laser pointer.

But in all seriousness, counters are an essential part of the game. They keep things balanced and prevent one hero from dominating the game. So, if you're a Symmetra player, don't despair. Just remember to switch heroes when you encounter your counters, and you'll be fine.

Table Information

Counter Hero Reason
1 Winston Can jump in and out of Symmetra's range, and Tesla Cannon can take out her turrets.
2 Pharah Can fly out of Symmetra's range and rain rockets on her and her turrets.
3 Junkrat Grenades can take out Symmetra's turrets from a safe distance, and ability to launch himself in the air makes him a difficult target for Symmetra's beam.
4 Genji Can deflect Symmetra's orbs and beam back at her, making her a sitting duck.

Don't Let Symmetra Get the Best of You: The Secret Counters to Defeat Her

Hello there, fellow gamers! As you stumble upon this page, you might have been having a hard time dealing with Symmetra, the Indian architect in Overwatch. She may look like a harmless support hero, but don't be fooled. Her turrets and photon projector can deal a lot of damage, not to mention her ultimate ability that can turn the tide of the game. But fear not! We've got your back. In this article, we'll reveal the secret counters to defeat Symmetra once and for all.

First on our list is Winston, the genius gorilla scientist. Winston's Tesla Cannon can zap away Symmetra's turrets in one fell swoop. Plus, his Barrier Projector can shield his team from Symmetra's primary fire and her ultimate ability. As a bonus, Winston can jump in and out of battle, making him a slippery target for Symmetra's lock-on beam.

Next up is Pharah, the aerial rocket queen. With her Jump Jet ability, Pharah can easily get over Symmetra's turrets and take them down with her rockets. Her Concussive Blast can also knock back Symmetra and her team, disrupting their positioning and giving your team an advantage. Just be careful not to get caught in Symmetra's beam when you're flying too low.

If you want to take a more stealthy approach, Sombra is your girl. Her Hack ability can disable Symmetra's turrets and teleporter, rendering them useless. Sombra can also use her Translocator to get in and out of danger quickly. Plus, her EMP ultimate can shut down Symmetra's shields and ultimates, leaving her vulnerable to your team's attacks.

For those who prefer a more straightforward approach, Soldier: 76 is the answer. With his Heavy Pulse Rifle, Soldier: 76 can take out Symmetra's turrets and deal significant damage to her and her team. His Biotic Field can also provide healing for his team, making them more durable against Symmetra's attacks. And if you need to escape, his Sprint ability can get you out of trouble in no time.

But wait, there's more! If you're feeling adventurous, you can try using Junkrat against Symmetra. Junkrat's grenades can bounce off walls and take out Symmetra's turrets from a safe distance. His Steel Trap can also immobilize Symmetra and her team, making them easy targets for your explosives. Just be careful not to get caught in Symmetra's beam when you're trying to set up traps.

Now, you might be thinking, But what about the other heroes? Can't they counter Symmetra too? Of course, they can! Every hero has their strengths and weaknesses, and it's up to you to figure out how to use them to your advantage. For example, Reinhardt can protect his team from Symmetra's attacks with his Barrier Field, while Genji can deflect her projectiles back at her. It's all about finding the right strategy for your team.

So, there you have it, folks. The secret counters to defeat Symmetra without breaking a sweat. Just remember to communicate with your team, stay aware of your surroundings, and have fun! After all, gaming is all about having a good time.

Thanks for stopping by, and we'll see you again soon!

Who Counters Symmetra?

What is Symmetra?

Symmetra is a hero in Overwatch, a video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. She is a support hero that specializes in manipulating reality through her Photon Projector and other technological abilities.

Who are the counters of Symmetra?

As a Symmetra main myself, I can tell you that she can be a real pain to deal with. But fear not, there are some heroes that can counter her effectively:

1. Winston

Winston is a tank hero that can leap into the fray and take up space effectively. He is a great counter to Symmetra because his Tesla Cannon can hit multiple targets at once, making it easier to take down her turrets. Plus, his Barrier Projector can help protect his allies from Symmetra's deadly Photon Projector.

2. Pharah

Pharah is a damage hero that can fly into the air and rain rockets down on her enemies. She is a great counter to Symmetra because her rockets can destroy her turrets quickly, and her mobility makes it harder for Symmetra to track her with her Photon Projector.

3. Tracer

Tracer is a damage hero that can blink through space and time, making her hard to hit. She is a great counter to Symmetra because she can easily avoid her turrets and her Photon Projector, and her Pulse Pistols can take down Symmetra quickly if she gets in close.

4. Sombra

Sombra is a damage hero that specializes in hacking her enemies' abilities and disrupting their plans. She is a great counter to Symmetra because she can hack her turrets and disable them, making it easier for her team to push through Symmetra's defenses. Plus, her EMP ultimate ability can shut down all of Symmetra's shields and turrets at once.

5. Baptiste

Baptiste is a support hero that can heal his allies and provide them with extra protection. He is a great counter to Symmetra because his Immortality Field can negate her Photon Projector's damage, and his Regenerative Burst can help his allies recover from her attacks quickly.

So if you're looking to counter Symmetra, give these heroes a try! And remember, always have fun and don't take the game too seriously. After all, it's just a game!