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Discover legendary quotes and their authors with Who Said It - the ultimate game for quote enthusiasts!

Who Said It

Who Said It is a fun game where you have to guess which celebrity said the given quote. Put your knowledge to the test now!

Who said it? Was it the wise philosopher, the witty comedian, or perhaps the insightful poet? No, it was none other than... wait for it... my grandma! That's right, my sweet little grandma who bakes cookies and knits sweaters also drops some serious truth bombs from time to time. But don't let her age fool you, she's got a sharp wit and a clever tongue that can rival even the most seasoned wordsmiths. So let's take a look at some of the things she's said over the years that have made me laugh, think, and appreciate the wisdom that comes with age.

One of my favorite things my grandma has said is, If at first you don't succeed, try, try again... or just give up and have a glass of wine. Now, I know that may not be the most productive advice, but it sure does make me chuckle. It's a reminder that sometimes we need to take a step back and enjoy the simple things in life, like a good glass of wine. And who knows, maybe after a little relaxation, we'll be ready to tackle that challenge with renewed vigor.

Another gem from my grandma is, You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar... but who wants a bunch of flies anyway? This one always makes me smile because it's so true. Being kind and gracious will get you further in life than being harsh and critical. But at the same time, who wants to attract a bunch of flies? It's a lighthearted way of saying that sometimes it's okay to stand up for yourself and not put up with negativity.

My grandma also has some great advice for when times get tough. She once told me, When life gives you lemons, make lemonade... or add vodka, whichever works. This is another one that may not be the most productive, but it does highlight the importance of making the best of a bad situation. And sometimes a little bit of alcohol can make things a little more bearable.

One of my grandma's more serious pieces of advice is, Never go to bed angry. This is something that has stuck with me over the years and has proven to be true time and time again. Holding onto anger and resentment only causes more problems in the long run. It's important to address issues and work towards resolution before going to sleep at night.

But my grandma can also be a bit of a jokester. She once told me, I used to be indecisive... but now I'm not sure. It's a clever play on words that always gets a laugh. And it's a reminder that it's okay to not have everything figured out all the time.

Another funny one from my grandma is, I've got a memory like an elephant... or maybe it's more like a goldfish, I can't remember. It's a self-deprecating joke that shows her humility and sense of humor. And let's be real, who hasn't forgotten something important from time to time?

My grandma also has some poignant words about love and relationships. She once told me, Marriage is like a deck of cards... you start out with two hearts and a diamond, and if you're lucky, you end up with a full house. It's a sweet sentiment that speaks to the ups and downs of any long-term relationship. And it's a reminder to appreciate the little moments of joy that come along the way.

But my grandma isn't all sweetness and light. She once told me, If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. It's a bold statement that emphasizes the importance of self-respect and standing up for yourself. And it's a reminder that we shouldn't settle for anyone who doesn't treat us with kindness and respect.

Overall, my grandma has taught me a lot over the years through her words of wisdom (and humor). From the importance of kindness to the value of perseverance, she has a knack for distilling complex ideas into simple, relatable phrases. And while she may not be a famous philosopher or poet, her words have had a profound impact on my life. So here's to you, Grandma, and all the other wise-cracking, cookie-baking grandmas out there!


Have you ever heard someone say something and wondered who said it? Perhaps it was something so profound that it could have been said by a philosopher or a scientist. Or maybe it was something so silly that only a comedian could have come up with it. Well, in this article, we will explore some famous quotes and try to figure out who said them.

The Quote: I can resist everything except temptation.

This quote has been used by many people throughout history, but who said it first? Some people believe that it was Oscar Wilde, the famous Irish author and playwright. Wilde was known for his wit and humor, and this quote certainly fits his style. However, there is no definitive proof that he actually said it.

The Possible Origins of the Quote

One theory is that the quote originated from a French writer named Alphonse Karr. He wrote a book in 1848 called Les Guêpes which included the phrase Je suis capable de résister à tout sauf à la tentation, which translates to I can resist everything except temptation. This is the closest known origin to the quote.

The Quote in Pop Culture

Regardless of who said it first, the quote has become a popular phrase in pop culture. It has been used in movies, TV shows, and even advertisements. It's a catchy phrase that people can relate to, as we all struggle with resisting temptation at times.

The Quote: To be or not to be, that is the question.

This famous quote comes from William Shakespeare's play Hamlet. The character Hamlet is contemplating suicide and is questioning whether it is better to live or die. The quote has become one of the most well-known phrases in the English language and is often used to express indecision.

The Meaning Behind the Quote

The quote is more than just a simple question of life or death. It's about the struggle we all face in deciding what to do with our lives. Do we pursue our dreams or settle for what's comfortable? Do we take risks or play it safe? These are the questions that Hamlet is grappling with in the play, and they are still relevant today.

The Legacy of Shakespeare

Shakespeare is one of the most celebrated writers in history, and his work continues to be studied and performed today. His plays have been translated into every language and performed in every corner of the world. The depth and complexity of his characters and plots have inspired countless artists and writers over the centuries.

The Quote: I have a dream.

This iconic phrase was uttered by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during his famous speech at the March on Washington in 1963. The speech was a call for racial equality and justice, and it became a defining moment in the civil rights movement.

The Power of Words

Dr. King's speech was more than just a collection of words. It was a powerful message of hope and inspiration that resonated with millions of people. The phrase I have a dream has become synonymous with the struggle for civil rights and the fight against discrimination.

The Legacy of Dr. King

Dr. King's impact on American society cannot be overstated. His tireless work for justice and equality paved the way for future generations to continue the fight. His legacy lives on today, as we continue to strive for a more just and equitable society.

The Quote: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

This famous quote comes from President John F. Kennedy's inaugural address in 1961. The speech was a call to action for Americans to work towards the greater good and to put aside their own self-interests.

The Importance of Service

President Kennedy believed that service to one's country was an important part of being a citizen. He encouraged Americans to get involved in their communities and to work towards making the world a better place. His words continue to inspire people today to volunteer and give back.

The Legacy of President Kennedy

President Kennedy's time in office was cut short by his assassination in 1963, but his legacy lives on today. His vision for a better America inspired a generation of young people to get involved in politics and public service. He remains one of the most beloved presidents in American history.

The Quote: Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

This famous quote comes from the legendary boxer Muhammad Ali. Ali was known for his brash personality and quick wit, as well as his boxing skills.

The Art of Boxing

Boxing is more than just a physical sport. It requires skill, strategy, and mental toughness. Muhammad Ali was a master of all these things, and his quotes have become synonymous with the sport.

The Legacy of Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali was more than just a boxer. He was a cultural icon who used his platform to speak out against injustice and inequality. His legacy lives on today, as athletes and activists continue to fight for social justice.

Who Said It? The Mystery of the Mysterious Quote

Was it me or my alter ego, Cotton Eye Joe? I can't seem to remember who said that famous quote. It's all a blur, like trying to recall a dream after a night of heavy drinking. But one thing is for sure, it wasn't my ex-boyfriend. He couldn't string a coherent sentence together if his life depended on it.

The Great Debate

I'm pretty sure it was either Shakespeare or Beyoncé. I mean, they're both wordsmiths in their own right. But then again, it could have been Albert Einstein or that guy who sells grilled cheese sandwiches on the corner. Who knows? The only thing I'm sure of is that it wasn't Donald Trump- or was it? I wouldn't put it past him to steal someone else's words and pass them off as his own.

Family Feud

I'm pretty sure it was my mom, but she denies it and blames it on my dad. Typical. It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack, but with words instead of sharp objects. I don't know who said it, but I'm sure they were a genius... or a complete idiot. I heard it from my grandma's neighbor's dog's groomer, so take it with a grain of salt.

In the end, the mystery remains unsolved. The quote will forever be attributed to an anonymous source, lost in the annals of history. But one thing is for sure, it will continue to be passed down from generation to generation, inspiring and motivating all who hear it. Or, you know, confusing the heck out of them.

Who Said It?

The Tale of the Wise Old Owl

Point of View: Humorous Voice and Tone

One day, in a forest far, far away, a group of animals gathered around a wise old owl. They had a question that had been on their minds for quite some time, and they knew that the owl was the only one who could answer it.

Oh wise old owl, said the rabbit, can you tell us who said it: 'early bird catches the worm'?

The owl looked at the rabbit with his big, wise eyes and said, Well, my dear rabbit, that saying has been around for centuries. It's not clear who said it first.

The other animals looked disappointed. They had hoped that the wise old owl would have the answer. But the owl wasn't finished yet.

However, he continued, I do know who said something similar. It was my dear friend, the early bird.

The animals looked at each other in confusion. The early bird? Who was that?

Yes, said the owl, the early bird often says, 'I caught the worm, and you didn't!' It's quite annoying, really.

The animals started to laugh. They had expected a serious answer, but the wise old owl had given them something unexpected and humorous.

So, although they still didn't know who said it first, they left the wise old owl feeling a little bit wiser and a lot more entertained.

Table Information:

Keyword Definition
Wise Old Owl A wise owl who is respected and sought after for his knowledge and advice.
Early Bird A person who wakes up early in the morning.
Saying A short, pithy expression that states a general truth or piece of advice.
Annoying Causing irritation or frustration.

Who Said It? A Game of Guessing and Laughter

Well folks, it's time to wrap up our little game of Who Said It? I hope you all had as much fun playing as I did writing it! But before we say our goodbyes, let's take a moment to reflect on the hilarity that ensued during this guessing game.

First off, I have to commend all of you for your clever guesses and witty commentary. You all truly brought your A-game when it came to guessing which famous figure said each quote. I mean, who knew that Abraham Lincoln was such a savage with his comebacks?

Speaking of savage comebacks, let's give a round of applause to our mystery speaker who said, I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right. Whoever you are, you're my new hero. I think we can all agree that this quote perfectly sums up every argument we've ever had with our significant other.

And let's not forget about our dear friend Shakespeare, who never fails to add a touch of literary genius to any conversation. I mean, To be, or not to be: that is the question is practically a household phrase at this point. Thanks for the existential crisis, Will.

But perhaps my favorite part of this game was discovering just how ridiculous some of our historical figures could be. Who knew that the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence also had a flair for the dramatic? I cannot live without books, Thomas Jefferson proclaimed. Same, TJ. Same.

And then there's good old Winston Churchill, who had a way with words that was both inspiring and hilarious. I am easily satisfied with the very best, he famously declared. I don't know about you, but that quote speaks to me on a spiritual level.

As we say goodbye to our game of Who Said It?, I want to remind you all that laughter truly is the best medicine. In a world that can oftentimes feel overwhelming and stressful, it's important to find joy wherever we can. And what better way to do that than by guessing which famous figure said some of the most absurd things imaginable?

So, my dear blog visitors, thank you for playing along with me. I hope this game brought a smile to your face and maybe even made you chuckle a bit. And who knows, maybe the next time you're in an argument, you'll channel your inner Abraham Lincoln and deliver a savage comeback of your own.

Until next time, keep laughing and never stop guessing!

Who Said It?

People Also Ask

Have you ever heard a quote and wondered who said it? Don't worry, you're not alone. Here are some of the most common Who said it? questions people ask:

1. To be or not to be, that is the question.

This famous phrase was spoken by William Shakespeare in his play Hamlet.

2. I have a dream.

This iconic phrase was uttered by civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. during his historic I Have a Dream speech in 1963.

3. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

This memorable phrase was coined by boxer Muhammad Ali, who was known for his quick wit and trash talk in and out of the ring.

4. Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.

This famous quote is from the inaugural address of former US President John F. Kennedy in 1961.

5. It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

This wise advice comes from Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.

So, the next time you hear a famous quote or catchphrase, remember that with a little research, you can find out exactly who said it. And who knows, maybe one day someone will be asking about a quote you said!

Keep calm and carry on quoting, my friends.