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The Ultimate Guide to Roadhog Counters: Top Heroes to Defeat the Overwatch Tank

Who Counters Roadhog

Looking to counter Roadhog in Overwatch? Heroes like Reaper, Mei, and Zarya are effective against this tank hero.

Are you tired of being hooked by Roadhog every time you try to move forward in Overwatch? Well, fear not fellow players, because there are heroes that can counter this hog of a problem. And let me tell you, they do it with style.

First up, we have the ever-popular Reaper. This edgy hero can easily teleport behind Roadhog and blast him into oblivion with his trusty shotguns. Plus, with his Wraith Form ability, he can quickly escape from any hook attempts. It's almost like Roadhog is the one being haunted by Reaper.

Next, we have the quick and nimble Tracer. With her Blink ability, she can easily dodge Roadhog's hooks and use her Pulse Pistols to whittle down his health. Plus, if things get too hairy, she can always rewind time to get out of trouble. It's like Roadhog is stuck in slow motion compared to her.

But wait, there's more! The explosive Junkrat can also give Roadhog a run for his money. With his Frag Launcher and Concussion Mines, he can deal massive damage from a safe distance. And if Roadhog tries to close the gap, Junkrat can use his Steel Trap to immobilize him and finish him off. It's like Roadhog is trying to play a game of catch-up with a madman.

Don't think we've forgotten about the support heroes either. Ana, the sniper healer, can use her Sleep Dart to put Roadhog to sleep and then use her Biotic Grenade to prevent him from healing. And if all else fails, she can always use her ultimate ability to boost her team's damage output and take down Roadhog in seconds. It's like Roadhog is counting sheep while his enemies are counting their kills.

And last but not least, we have the ice-cold Mei. With her Endothermic Blaster, she can freeze Roadhog in his tracks and then use her Ice Wall to block his hooks. Plus, with her Cryo-Freeze ability, she can heal herself and become temporarily invulnerable, making her a tricky opponent to deal with. It's like Roadhog is stuck in a blizzard while Mei is just chilling.

So there you have it, folks. Roadhog may be a tough customer, but he's no match for these heroes. Whether you prefer to blast him away, dodge his hooks, or put him to sleep, there's a hero out there for you. And who knows, maybe one day Roadhog will learn his lesson and stop trying to hog the road.


Roadhog is one of the toughest tanks to counter in Overwatch, with his hook that pulls enemies close and his hefty HP pool. However, as a wise person once said, there's always a bigger fish. In this article, we'll explore some heroes that can put Roadhog in his place, and we'll do it with a humorous voice and tone.

Mei, Oh My!

Mei may be known for her ice-cold demeanor, but she's also one of the best counters to Roadhog. Her Ice Wall can block his hook, and her Endothermic Blaster can freeze him in place, leaving him vulnerable to her team's attacks. Plus, if he does manage to hook her, her Cryo-Freeze can save her from certain death.

The Reaper of Roadhog

Reaper may not be the most subtle hero, but he can definitely take down Roadhog with ease. His shotguns do massive damage up close, and his Wraith Form allows him to escape if things get hairy. Plus, his passive ability, The Reaping, gives him health for every enemy he kills, making him even more of a threat to Roadhog.

Junkrat, the Junkyard Dog

Junkrat may seem like an unlikely counter to Roadhog, but hear us out. His grenades can bounce around corners and hit Roadhog where he least expects it, and his Steel Trap can immobilize him if he tries to hook someone. Plus, his RIP-Tire can take out Roadhog and his team in one fell swoop.

The D.Va Defense

D.Va may be known for her mobility, but she's also a solid counter to Roadhog. Her Defense Matrix can block his hook, and her Fusion Cannons can do some serious damage up close. Plus, if things get hairy, she can always use her Boosters to fly away to safety.

Zenyatta, the Zen Master

Zenyatta may be a support hero, but he can still hold his own against Roadhog. His Orb of Discord can make Roadhog take more damage from his team, and his Orb of Harmony can keep his teammates alive while they fight Roadhog. Plus, his long-range Orb Volley can whittle down Roadhog's health from a safe distance.

The Sombra Saboteur

Sombra may be a controversial hero, but she can definitely take down Roadhog with ease. Her Hack ability can prevent him from using his abilities, leaving him vulnerable to attack. Plus, her Translocator allows her to escape if things get hairy, and her EMP can disable Roadhog and his team's abilities altogether.

The Tracer Takedown

Tracer may seem like a risky pick against Roadhog, but she can definitely take him down if played correctly. Her Blink ability allows her to dodge his hook, and her Pulse Bomb can do massive damage to him and his team. Plus, her Recall ability allows her to escape if things get hairy.

The Widowmaker Wonder

Widowmaker may be known for her long-range sniping, but she can also take down Roadhog with ease. Her Venom Mine can alert her to his presence, and her Grappling Hook can allow her to escape if he tries to hook her. Plus, her fully charged sniper shots can do massive damage to him from afar.

The Lucio Leap

Lucio may be known for his healing and speed abilities, but he can also take down Roadhog with his environmental kills. His Soundwave ability can push Roadhog off the map on certain maps, leaving him to fall to his death. Plus, his speed boost can allow his team to dodge Roadhog's hook altogether.


All in all, Roadhog may be tough to counter, but there are definitely heroes that can put him in his place. Whether it's Mei's ice-cold tactics or Tracer's lightning-fast reflexes, there's always a hero for every situation in Overwatch. So next time you see that pesky Roadhog on the enemy team, don't be afraid to try out one of these counters and show him who's boss.

When it comes to Overwatch heroes, Roadhog is a pretty intimidating figure. With his massive size and devastating hook, he can be a real nightmare to deal with. But fear not! There are plenty of heroes who can counter the hog, and I'm here to tell you about them in a humorous way. So, let's dive into the world of Overwatch and meet our saviors.

The Sneaky Sombra

First up, we have the sneaky Sombra. This hacker extraordinaire is all about disrupting her enemies, and Roadhog is no exception. With her hacking abilities, she can shut down Roadhog's abilities, leaving him vulnerable to attack. Plus, there's just something satisfying about seeing a pig-man get hacked.

Because hacking a pig-man is just too irresistible!

The Slithery Snake

Ana is known for her healing abilities, but don't underestimate her skills as a sniper. Her sleep dart is the ultimate narcoleptic potion for Roadhog! One well-placed shot and the hog will be snoozing on the job, leaving him open for an easy takedown.

Roadhog won't know what hit him!

The Explosive

When in doubt, launch a nuke at the problem! That's's motto, and it's one that works against Roadhog. Her explosive attacks can deal massive damage to the hog, and her mech's mobility allows her to dodge his hooks with ease.

Roadhog may be tough, but he's no match for's firepower!

The Gravity-defying Lucio

Why walk when you can glide out of a hooked situation? Lucio's wall-riding ability allows him to escape Roadhog's hooks with ease, and his speed boost can get him out of danger in a flash. Plus, his healing abilities can keep his teammates alive in the face of Roadhog's onslaught.

Roadhog may be big, but he can't catch what he can't touch!

The Winged Mercy

Who needs a getaway car when you can fly away from danger? Mercy's ability to fly allows her to escape Roadhog's grasp and heal her teammates from a safe distance. Plus, her damage boost can turn any hero into a formidable foe against the hog.

Roadhog may be strong, but he can't reach the heavens!

The Slippery Zenyatta

Zenyatta may be a peaceful monk, but don't let that fool you. With his orb of tranquility, Roadhog's hooks will be the least of your worries! Zenyatta's healing abilities and discord orb can make short work of the hog, leaving him wondering what hit him.

Roadhog won't know what hit him, but he'll feel the peace afterwards.

The Deceptive Junkrat

When in doubt, throw a sneaky trap and watch the hog go down! Junkrat's traps and bombs can make short work of Roadhog, and his mobility allows him to stay out of the hog's reach. Plus, his ultimate can clear out an entire area, leaving Roadhog with nowhere to hide.

Roadhog may be intimidating, but he's no match for Junkrat's explosive personality!

The Invisible Reaper

Because death comes not only in person, but also from behind! Reaper's ability to teleport and turn invisible makes him a formidable foe against Roadhog. One well-placed shot can take the hog down, and his ultimate can clear out an entire team.

Roadhog may be big, but he's no match for Reaper's shadowy abilities!

The Fiery Pharah

When you can't run, just blast off like a rocket into the skies! That's Pharah's motto, and it works against Roadhog. Her rockets can deal massive damage to the hog, and her ability to fly allows her to stay out of his reach. Plus, her ultimate can clear out an entire area, leaving Roadhog with nowhere to hide.

Roadhog may be tough, but he can't handle the heat from Pharah's rockets!

The Fuzzy Winston

With his primal rage, Roadhog will be begging for mercy in no time! Winston's ability to turn into a raging gorilla makes him a formidable foe against the hog. His massive size and strength can make short work of Roadhog, leaving him wondering how he got beat by a giant ape.

Roadhog may be big, but he's no match for Winston's primal instincts!

So, there you have it. A list of heroes who can counter Roadhog in a humorous way. Whether you prefer to hack, sleep, explode, glide, fly, heal, trap, sneak, shoot, or rage your way to victory, there's a hero for you. So go forth, Overwatch players, and show that hog who's boss!

Who Counters Roadhog?

The Story of a Hero

Once upon a time, in the world of Overwatch, there was a hero named Winston. He was a scientist who had been genetically engineered to be a brilliant gorilla. Despite his intimidating appearance, he was a kind and gentle soul who only wanted to help people.

One day, Winston was tasked with stopping Roadhog, a ruthless mercenary who was wreaking havoc across the land. Roadhog was a massive man with a hook for a hand and a shotgun that could blast through walls.

Winston knew that he was no match for Roadhog in a one-on-one fight. So, he put on his thinking cap and came up with a plan. He knew that Roadhog relied heavily on his hook to pull enemies towards him and his shotgun to deal massive damage.

Who Counters Roadhog?

After doing some research, Winston discovered that heroes with mobility and long-range attacks were the best counters to Roadhog. Here are some of the heroes that can counter Roadhog:

  1. Pharah: She can stay out of range of Roadhog's hook and blast him with rockets from above.
  2. Junkrat: He can use his grenades to keep Roadhog at bay while staying out of his hook range.
  3. McCree: He can stun Roadhog with his flashbang and then finish him off with his revolver.
  4. Tracer: She can blink around Roadhog and shoot him from different angles, making it difficult for him to land a hook.
  5. D.Va: She can use her boosters to quickly move around the map and shoot Roadhog from a distance with her cannons.

Using this information, Winston was able to come up with a plan to take down Roadhog. He teamed up with Pharah and Junkrat, who provided cover fire while Winston used his mobility to jump around and distract Roadhog. Eventually, they were able to wear him down and defeat him.

The Moral of the Story

The moral of the story is that sometimes, brains are more important than brawn. Winston was able to defeat Roadhog not by outmuscling him, but by using his intelligence and strategic thinking. So, if you ever find yourself facing off against a tough opponent, remember to think outside the box and come up with a plan.

Table Information

Hero Counter Strategy
Pharah Stay out of range of Roadhog's hook and blast him with rockets from above.
Junkrat Use grenades to keep Roadhog at bay while staying out of his hook range.
McCree Stun Roadhog with flashbang and finish him off with revolver.
Tracer Blink around Roadhog and shoot him from different angles.
D.Va Use boosters to quickly move around and shoot from a distance with cannons.

Who Counters Roadhog? Don't Worry, I've Got You Covered!

Well hello there, fellow gamers and Overwatch enthusiasts! It's your friendly neighborhood blogger here to talk about one of the most frustrating heroes in the game – Roadhog. We've all played against a good Roadhog player who seems to be invincible, constantly healing himself while hooking you in for an instant kill. But fear not my friends, there are heroes out there who can counter this menace and make him look like a mere piglet.

First up, we have Reaper. Yes, that's right, the edgy hero with the dual shotguns is actually a great pick against Roadhog. His passive ability, The Reaping, allows him to heal himself for 20% of the damage he deals. This means that if you're good with Reaper, you can easily take down Roadhog while constantly healing yourself, making it difficult for him to hook and finish you off. Plus, Reaper's ultimate, Death Blossom, can wipe out Roadhog and his team in one fell swoop.

Next on our list is Mei, the lovable yet deadly Chinese climatologist. Mei's ice wall ability can be used to block Roadhog's hook, preventing him from pulling you in for the kill. Additionally, Mei's ice abilities can slow down Roadhog, making him an easy target for you or your teammates. And let's not forget her ultimate, Blizzard, which can freeze Roadhog and his team in place, allowing for an easy team wipe.

Another hero who can give Roadhog a run for his money is Zarya. Her shields can absorb Roadhog's hook and give her a nice boost of energy, making her even stronger. Plus, her ultimate, Graviton Surge, can group Roadhog and his team together, leaving them vulnerable to your team's attacks.

Now, let's talk about a hero who is often overlooked as a counter to Roadhog – Junkrat. Yes, the crazy Aussie with a love for explosives can actually be quite effective against the hog. His traps and mines can prevent Roadhog from getting too close, while his grenades can deal a significant amount of damage. And don't forget about his ultimate, RIP-Tire, which can easily wipe out Roadhog and his team in one go.

Of course, there are other heroes who can counter Roadhog, such as Pharah, who can stay out of his range and rain rockets down on him, or Sombra, who can hack him and prevent him from using his abilities. The key is finding a hero who works for you and your playstyle, and using their strengths to your advantage.

So, there you have it, folks. Don't let Roadhog get the best of you. With the right hero and a bit of skill, you can take down this hog and make him squeal like a little piggy. Happy gaming!

Who Counters Roadhog?

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  • What heroes can defeat Roadhog?
  • Who is Roadhog weak against?
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Well, well, well, it seems like someone's having trouble dealing with our favorite chubby boy, Roadhog. Don't worry, my friend, I got you covered! Here are some heroes who can put up a fight against him:

  1. Reaper: The edgy man himself can take down Roadhog quickly with his shotguns and wraith form. Just make sure you stay out of his hook's reach.
  2. Junkrat: This explosive maniac can keep Roadhog at bay with his grenades and traps. Plus, his ultimate can wipe out the enemy team, including Roadhog.
  3. Pharah: If you're good at keeping your distance, Pharah can rain rockets on Roadhog from the sky. Just be careful not to get hooked mid-air.
  4. Zarya: A skilled Zarya player can use her barriers to protect herself and her teammates from Roadhog's hook and deal massive damage with her particle cannon.
  5. Sombra: This sneaky hacker can easily disrupt Roadhog's gameplay with her hacks and EMP. Plus, her translocator allows her to escape his grasp.

As for support heroes, always stay behind your tanks and avoid getting caught alone by Roadhog. You can also use your abilities to help your team survive his hooks:

  • Mercy: Use your guardian angel to fly away from Roadhog and keep your distance. You can also damage boost your teammates to take him down faster.
  • Zenyatta: Your orbs of harmony and discord can help your teammates survive and deal more damage to Roadhog respectively. Just don't get hooked!
  • Lucio: Your speed boost can help your team avoid Roadhog's hooks and your healing aura can keep them alive. Plus, your boop can push him away if he gets too close.

Remember, don't underestimate Roadhog's power and always stay alert. Good luck out there!